Chapter 16

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Nathan was the first one to reach the door. He pushed the door open and heard a loud thump upstairs. He rushed upstairs and found a tall man with his hand around his Peanuts throat.

"You have been a very bad Sub," David growled.

"Im sorry Master," She gasped and tried to unclench his grasp. "Please Im sorry Master."

"No you have to learn your lesson," He said squeezing tighter. She went limp and Nathan saw red.

He tackled the guy and started punching him. Sean rushed in and fell in front of Kyree. "Fucking hell," he said ripping his bag open to start bandaging her wounds.

"Fucking slut," David groaned out as he flipped on Nathan and started fighting him. North, Raven, and Silas burst through and pulled him off Nathan. The rest of the group came in and some helped North, Raven, and Silas carry a thrashing David out of the house while the rest tried to help Sean.

"Come on Pookie, time to wake up," Sean mumbled as he quickly stitched a cut on her arm. Once that was tied he moved to another while Owen started cleaning around the stitches.

"Why isnt she waking Doc?" Luke asked,

"Shes lost too much blood," Sean mumbled.

"Give her mine," Luke said taking his shirt off.

"Do you have the same blood type?" Gabriel asked.

"Shes B+," Kota said taking his shirt off to cover her.

"Doc did he?" Corey asked.

"Havent checked yet," Sean said setting up an iv for blood transfusion. "Lucian is O+ so he can help her." Luke held his arm out and Sean inserted the needle.

"Is she going to be okay?" Axel asked and Sean shook his head.

"Honestly I dont know," Sean said, "Once she is stable enough to go to the hospital I will know more."

Raven came in covered in blood then followed Nathan, Silas, and North. Nathan remained silent while Raven was yelling in Russian and Silas and North in Greek.

"How is she now?" Owen asked causing them to freeze.

"Lucian got her stable but we really must get her to the hospital so I can assess the damage," Sean said shutting his bag.

"I got spare clothes in the back of the van," Gabriel said with no emotion.

"Careful, I need Lucian to remain still as much as possible," Sean said as North helped Luke stand and walk to the van slowly while Sean and Owen carried their bird side by side.

She moaned in pain when they laid her across Kota and Lukes laps. North sat by Luke to hold the IV bag up. "Drive Raven but be careful," Owen said tossing him the keys.

"I got her car," Axel said.

"Lucian is looking sick, Doc," North said when he noticed Luke had closed his eyes.

"Im fine," Luke slurred.

"Im same type as Lucian, use me," North said. Sean climbed back and Silas handed him the bag. Sean started a new IV. For once Raven followed the rules of driving instead of using them as guidelines but also bypassed the speeding rule to get to the hospital as safe and quick as possible.

The moment Raven pulled up to the hospital Dr. Roberts was waiting for them with a gurney for both Kyree and North. "I got blood ready to North and Luke can be supplemented as well. Miss Lee is ready to care for the Taylor brothers, come on Dr. Green you can fill me in on the way."

"Thanks Dr. Roberts," Owen said as they watched both doctors go down the hall with their bird. "Come on boys, she will be fine," Kotas mother said leading them to the room already prepped for them. "They will bring her in here once shes stable. Now tell me about this bird," she said as she got both Taylor brothers in their chairs.

A couple of hours later Sean came back in clean scrubs while pushing a sleeping Kyree into the room. "How is she?" everyone asked.

"She has been cut, burned, stabbed, whipped, and you might want to be sit down gentlemen" Sean sighed as he hooked up all her machines.

"No, she wasnt?" Gabriel asked and Sean nodded. "Fuck no," Gabriel moaned.

"Hes dead," Raven growled and punched the wall. "I torture longer."

"Is she okay now?" Silas asked.

"Her body is healing, as for her mind thats another story," Sean sighed. "Shes in for a long recovery."

"We will be there to help her," Owen said and they nodded.

"How long do you think she will sleep?" Marc asked.

"We put her in a medically induced coma so her body wouldnt be under so much stress. We will try and wake her in 48 hours so you can go to my office and get cleaned up. The next 24 hours will be critical I need to watch her closely."

"Shes allergic to all sulfurs," Lucy said as she entered the room. "Sulfa, sulfide, sulfate, all of it. Shes also allergic to tomatoes and all nuts." She walked over to Kyree and grabbed her hand. "She has a hard time waking up for anesthesia so it will take her longer than normal and tends to hallucinate as she comes off of it so she may panic more than what you expect."

"Thank you," Sean said writing it all down.

"She will slip into little mode but she is not a full little, she just has tendencies when she is terrified or extremely nervous," Lucy said gently pushing her hair out of her face.

"Weve noticed some of that," North nodded. "She called me right before a storm."

"Shes terrified of storms," Lucy said softly, "and clowns. She was scared of them before she even saw Stephen Kings IT."

"Noted," Corey said. "What about other King movies?"

"She loves King, any horror films actually, shes a Goth through and through," Lucy smiled.

"Come on, time to let them get cleaned up," William said tapping on Lucys shoulder. "Let us know when you serve your revenge."

"We will," Owen nodded. "Thank you, we will keep you updated."

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