Chapter 1

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Kyree pushed her cart down the aisle and noticed two men out of the corner of her eye checking out different fruits. One had blonde hair and was complaining about not getting to look at the candy section and the other was dressed in solid black with ebony hair, and he was talking about how fruit was better for them. She went back to looking at the cucumbers to find the right ones for her salad.

"Hey Cutie, can you help me out?" A man with brown hair and dark chilling eyes stood too close to her personal bubble.

"Sorry?" She asked timidly and took a step back.

"Help me find the right ones, which length do you prefer?" He asked stepping closer to her again.

"I'm sorry," she shook her head. "I don't know what you mean."

"Sure, you do Cutie," the dark man chuckled. "What thickness and length do you like? Help me find the ones that please you."

"Hey Baby, I found the watermelon you wanted," the man with ebony hair said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Here's the sub sandwich bread you asked for also. Did you get all the cucumbers you wanted?" The blonde-haired man asked taking the two out of her hand and putting them in the bag and placing them in her cart.

"Yeah, I did, thanks for finding that stuff for me guys," she nodded softly.

"Of course, Baby, I know you're ready to get home. Do we need anything else?" the ebony haired man said pulling her closer to him.

"Just some white chocolate M&Ms for me and both kinds of chocolate chips so I can make cookies tonight, so you have them for snack at work," she said softly, and the blonde hair man beamed.

"I'll go get them while you two head to check out," he giggled and took off.

"Come on Baby, you know how quickly my brother can find the candy you need," the ebony haired man said pulling her in front of her and placing his arms on each side of her. He placed his hands on her waist and walked behind her as they walked to check out.

They noticed the creepy man followed behind them. The blonde-haired man suddenly appeared and tossed the candy in her cart. He blocked the creepy man's view of Kyree, and they could have sworn they heard the creepy man growl. Before she could do anything, the dark-haired man stuck his card in the machine and paid.

"Come on Baby let's get you home," he said wrapping his arms around her while the blonde-haired man pushed the cart behind them. "I know you must be tired."

They got to her car and both men loaded her groceries in for her. "Hey Baby let's get a picture together, we haven't taken one in a long time," the ebony haired man said pulling out his phone. He placed her in front of him and laid his head on her shoulder. She smiled and he took a selfie. "Now get one with my brother, we need a recent one for our wall." The blonde-haired man came up and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and stuck his tongue out making her giggle. "Got it. Give me your phone Baby so I can make sure you get it since I know your phone is acting up." She handed him her phone and started her car. After a few minutes he handed her the phone back and leaned down. "He's still watching so can my brother drive you until we lose him then we can meet back up?"

"Okay thank you so much," She nodded and unbuckled. "I'm Kyree by the way."

"North and my brother is Lucian," he said as Lucian walked over to them from putting the cart back in the section for carts. He stood and said, "I'll meet you at home Baby, I just have to run a couple more errands than I'll be home."

"Okay, hurry home," she smiled and moved over to the passenger seat.

"Okay Cupcake, I'm Luke," he said fixing the seat for him. "Time to ditch the creep."

"I really appreciate this," she whispered softly staring out the window as he pulled onto the highway.

"It's no problem Cupcake," Luke said switching lanes. He spotted North on the phone a few cars back tailing the creep. "That man was creepy, and we wouldn't feel right just letting him keep making you uncomfortable."

They kept driving in silence and he noticed she kept twirling her hands together. He turned on the radio and noticed it was playing Slipknot and she started to slightly calm down. Just then his phone rang, "Hey," Luke said pulling back into the middle lane.

"Meet up at the shop," North said through the speaker.

"Gothcha," Luke said taking an exit and hanging up.

"You know you don't look like brothers," She finally said as they pulled into a mechanic shop. North opened the gate and they pulled in and got out.

"We're half and I'm the older one," Luke smiled as North walked over.

"Yeah yeah," he rolled his eyes. "The guy is gone so you will be safe going home now. I put both our numbers in your phone. Text me when you get home, so I know you are safe."

She nodded, "Okay thank you again North and Luke." She got in her car and left.

"Let's go, Mr. B wants a report," North said as they got in his car.

Thirty minutes later North's phone dinged. He opened the text message and there was a pic of the front of a house with the caption Made it home safe and sound.

He smiled and replied, Good now make sure you lock your door once you're inside.

A few seconds passed and then a Yes Sir came across his phone.

He bit back a groan and answered Good girl. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call or text. Good night Baby.

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