Chapter 24

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"Are you ready to go back to work Baby?" North asked as he set her breakfast in front of her.

"Yes I am," She nodded as she started eating. "It will be good to go back to work."

"But" Owen trailed off as he fixed his drink.

"I have to take my lunch break and I cant work past 8pm and I have to answer when someone texts or calls and if someone calls while I am in a meeting, I have to send a busy text then call immediately after it is over," She repeated.

"And?" Sean asked as he came in while putting his white coat on.

"If I start having a panic attack or start struggling, I have to notified in the group message immediately and wait for someone to bring me back here. If I hide it or break the rules, I dont get to choose the move for bedtime and I go to bed at 9 instead of 10," she recited then went back to eating breakfast.

"Good girl," Sean and Owen said at the same time.

"Have a good day, we will see you when we get home," Owen said as he kissed her forehead then they left for work.

North dropped her off and she immediately started working. It felt good to her to get back into the routine of work. She made sure she kept her phone on her at all times so she could respond when she needed to. Just when it was about to be lunch there was a delivery of her favorite Chinese food for her and Lucy. She took a picture of her starting to take a bite then sent it in the group message saying thank you for lunch. When she was done eating she sent a picture of her finished plate to the group so they knew she ate like she was suppose to.

At seven she heard her phone beep so she glanced down to see who it was. She didnt recognize the number so she opened it and gasped. She started hyperventilating and glanced around, Lucy had already left. She yanked her headphones off and grabbed her phone.

She hit the button that Victor had showed her would call everyone in a group call. "Are you done for the day Darling?" Owen asked.

"Owen," She gasped as she tried to control her breathing.

"What is wrong Pookie?" Sean asked immediately.

"Phone.text.." She gasped.

"You received a text Baby?" North asked trying to understand.

"Forward it to us Cupcake," Luke said rushing to his car.

"Cantchesthurt," She gasped "Lucygonealone.hurt."

"Im on my way Angelos Mou, try and breathe," Silas growled.

"Da Kitten," Raven said as they heard him rev his car to go faster.

"Dr. Sean.hurt" She said as tears slipped free.

"I know Pookie, someone will be there soon and they will bring you to me immediately, just try and breathe okay Pookie," he said trying to remain calm.

She barely looked up when the door burst open. "BearSuperman," She gasped as they rushed over to her. Silas picked her up and Raven took the phone from her. He opened the text then started yelling in Russian.

"Raven!" The group yelled and he stopped.

"Glad to see you back at work. You look so beautiful working. Cant wait to have you painted blue and purple again from my touch. You cant stay with those men forever. I will have you again, just wait." Raven growled then started speaking in Russian again.

"Bear Bear," She gasped and held her arms out. Raven took her from Silas and breathed in her scent. He growled then handed the phone over to Silas. She wrapped her arms around his neck tighter and he seemed to settle down a bit.

"Bring her over now Raven," Sean said as they heard him telling a nurse to cancel the rest of his rounds for the night. "The rest of the team will meet you here. Raven, I need you to drive carefully with her."

"Da Doc," Raven growled as he stormed out of the building. He carefully put her in his car and buckled her in. He then covered her with his hoodie.

"I will follow and meet you there," Silas said as he kissed her forehead then shut the door.

Raven held her hand while he drove and soon they pulled up to the hospital. Sean rushed to his car and picked her up. She immediately wrapped around him and he rushed up to his office. He placed her in Owens lap and started listening to her heartbeat. He grabbed the oxygen mask and placed it over her.

"I know you are scared Pookie but I need you to try and calm down, okay?" he asked as he squeezed her hand. "We are all here and you are safe."

"I have my lawyers looking into seeing how he was able to get bailed out," Owen said as he rubbed her back. "He wont get anywhere near you."

"Two of us will stay with you at work and if you go anywhere else," Kota nodded. "I am working on the schedules once we get home."

"You wont be left alone at all," North growled.

"Grounded?" She asked and Axel shook his head.

"No Doll you arent grounded. You can still go to work if you want but two of us will be with you and if you go to the store or somewhere else we will go with you."

"Dreams?" She asked starting to slip into little mode.

"He wont get you in your dreams, Babe," Brandon shook his head, "We will go back to like when you first moved in and two of us with stay with you at bedtime, okay?"

"Sorry," She looked down. "I trouble."

"You are my Trouble but you are not trouble," Gabriel said kneeling down in front of her. "You understand?" She shook her head. "This is not your fault, you are not the bad trouble. You are my good Trouble. That asshole is the bad trouble that is going to go away for a very long time once Raven gets ahold of him. You are not trouble but you are my special Trouble, okay?"

"Otay," She smiled softly and Gabriel smiled.

"We are very proud that you called us immediately Princess," Victor said kneeling in front of her once Gabriel moved. "You are our good girl."

She beamed and he kissed her forehead. Sean knelt down once Victor moved, "Are you feeling better Pookie?" She nodded and he removed the oxygen. "Are you ready to go home?"

"You come home too?" she asked hopefully and he shook his head.

"I have to stay for a little bit longer and help some other patients but I will have my phone on me so I want you to text me when you go to bed," he said as she hugged him.

"Otay come home soon," she whispered and kissed his cheek.

"I will Pookie," he smiled. "I know I dont have to tell you to keep an eye on her."

"We know Doc," Kota nodded. "I think it would be best for her to ride with either North, Raven, or Silas back to the house."

"North, Raven already got her," Silas said pulling his keys out of his jeans. "I will lay with her."

"Sleep over?" She asked shyly.

"Thats a great fucking idea Trouble," Gabriel smiled and everyone agreed.

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