Chapter 11

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"Are we really going to leave?" Luke asked worried.

"Yes, for now but you are going to tail her and we will keep an eye on her from a distance," Owen nodded. "We have to regain her trust."

"But," Sean started to protest and Owen shook his head.

"I know you are worried but we cant keep pushing her," Owen explained. "Why dont you try and see what information you can get from her doctor and Mr. Korba and Mr. Taylor Jr. can go talk to her assistant when she comes back in a couple of days?"

"Fine," Sean sighed "but I dont like it," he said as he left for the hospital.

Everyone agreed as they left the house. About thirty minutes later she emerged from her room and instantly noticed the silence. She smiled softly and ordered an Uber. She left a few minutes later and Luke followed the Uber to her work. She went inside for a few minutes then a computer store. She was there for about thirty minutes then left to the post office. She left after about fifteen minutes then went to the mall.

"Report," Owen said in to the phone.

"Still at the mall, she hasnt bought anything but she has stopped to look at some Nightmare Before Christmas things at the Disney store and some anime things at Hot Topic. Shes just walking around but I have noticed she would stop every so often and sit down for a few minutes before heading somewhere else. Shes heading to movie theater now, one second." The group heard him ask the ticket person what she bought to see. "The Conjuring 2, thanks let me get fourteen tickets for it. Thanks man," Luke said as he slipped inside. "Got the tickets."

"On our way," Owen said before hanging up.

They met up with him at the door, "She is in the center," Luke said as they headed to the screening.

"Did she eat today?" North asked and Luke shook his head.

"She didnt even get any candy or popcorn!" Luke sighed. "She just got a drink."

"Let me know when she gets home and Ill have something delivered," North sighed. "I swear she forgets to eat."

"Lets just try and enjoy this moment with her," Axel whispered as they sat a few rows behind her. They watched her turn her phone onto silent and sit back to enjoy the movie. They smiled as they watched her giggle as some of the "scary" moments and found her absolutely breathtaking at how relaxed she was watching a horror film.

When the movie was over, they stood to leave and froze when they thought she might have recognized them but since she was watching the floor as she walked they couldnt be for sure. She didnt acknowledge them so they decided to take the chance and keep following her through the mall.

She walked through the mall some more then started to leave. She rubbed her temples then took a bottle out of her purse. She popped a couple of pills with some water then called an Uber. The men watched from their cars as she went to work. Victor hacked into the cameras and they watched as she worked for a while before throwing up in a trash can.

"Fuck this," Sean said getting out of his car and walked to her office.

"Sean, what are you doing here?" Kyree asked shocked as she emerged from the bathroom.

"You dont look well Pookie," he said touching her forehead. "Let me take you to the hospital so I can run some tests."

"No, Im fine," she shook her head. "I just need to go home."

"Fine then let me take you home," he said wiping her forehead with a wet paper towel. "I can have Gabe and Marc go get you some soup and sprite. You really need to rest, you are pushing yourself way too much and its not good for you."

"Ugh, fine," she sighed. "Only because I want my blanket right now and am sleepy."

"Of course Pookie," Sean smiled as he helped her to his car. "Will you try and eat some soup before you go take a nap?"

"Ill try," she mumbled as she rest her head against the window with her eyes closed. Once Sean was sure she was asleep he called the group. "Shes asleep, Im taking her back to our place. North and Gabe go get her blanket and comfort items, she will be staying with us until I get her healthy, I dont care what she says, she needs help and at the rate she is going she will end up in the hospital."

"She can stay in my room until Gabriel gets a room set up for her," North said before hanging up and turning his car around.

"Be careful Silas," Sean mumbles as Silas carefully takes her out of the car, "I want her to sleep as much as possible."

"Get one of Mr. Taylors hoodies, she feels safe with him," Owen whispered as he pulls the blankets back on Norths bed. Raven put one of Norths hoodies on top of his pillow and then covered her with another while Sean covered her back up after Marc slipped her Converse off.

When North, Gabriel, and Luke returned North went to his room and pulled his blanket back, he smiled at one of his hoodies on his pillow under her as well as another hoodie covering her. he covered her with her Nightmare Before Christmas blanket and Zero stuffy then covered up with his blanket after slipping in beside her. He drifted off to sleep with his arm around her with a soft smile on his lips.

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