Chapter 36

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Kyree sat up and yawned. A cramp rammed through her and she bit back a whimper. She decided to take a shower to help her feel better. She went to the bathroom and started a shower. She got undressed and stood under the water. She closed her eyes but when she did she started to have a flashback. All she could see was the blood on her hands and blood on the bottom of the tub.

She slipped and fell on her ass. She grabbed the loofah and tried getting the blood off but it just stayed on her. "No," She shook her head, "No, no, no," She kept trying to scrub it off.

"Stop Trouble," Gabe suddenly appeared beside her. "DOC!"

"I Just want the blood off, why won't it come off?" She said trying to scrub again while sobbing.

"There's no fucking blood Trouble," Gabe said taking her hands in his.

"Why can't you see all the blood?" She sobbed.

"What is going on?" Sean asked rushing into the bathroom and almost falling over his feet. He looked at her raw skin and pouted, "Oh Pookie."

"The blood wont come off," She sobbed into Gabe's chest, "Why won't it come off?"
"There's no fucking blood Trouble," Gabe said as Sean reached over and turned the shower off.

"It's just a flashback Pookie, it's not real," Sean said softly.

"Not clean," She mumbled softly.

"You are clean Darling," Owen said as he held out a towel. "What is on her side?" he asked noticing a bruise appearing on her hip.

"She fucking fell," Gabe said soflty. "That is what made me come fucking see what was wrong."

Owen draped the towel over her and Gabe.

"I'll help," Marc said as he helped Gabe pick her up and stand. "I'll grab the lotion for her skin."

"Take her to North and Silas, they comfort her," Sean said softly.

"OW," She gasped as she clung to Gabe as another cramp hit her.

"Sorry Trouble," Gabe said as he held her. He had them leave so she could take care of whatever she needed to do for her period then once she was done she called Gabe back in so he could carry her.

Marc opened Silas' door which caused North and Silas to wake instantly up. "She had a flashback when she got in the shower," Sean said. "She fell in the shower also, so she has a bruise on her hip as well."
"No more showers Angelos Mou," Silas said yawning.

"At lease not by yourself Baby," North said as he moved so Gabe could set her down. Marc handed the lotion to North. "Let's soothe your skin Baby," He said as he started putting some on her arms.

"Cold," She whimpered.

"We'll get you all warmed up after you get lotion on you," Silas said as Gabe, Owen, Sean, and Marc left the room.

Gabe came back shortly after and held out some pajamas, "Here you fucking go Trouble."

She shook her head, "Hurt," she pouted.

"Okay Angelos Mou," Silas said as he sat them to the side, "We will try them later, thanks Gabe."

"No fucking problem," he said before tossing him a bottle of pills, "Doc said she can have one if the pain gets too fucking bad." Silas nodded then Gabe left.

"Here you go," Silas said as he grabbed a shirt from his closet and slipped it over her once North was done. She pouted and he chuckled before spraying some of his cologne on it. She smiled then scooted closer to North so Silas could get back in bed.

They wrapped their arms around her and North whispered, "Go to sleep Baby, we will keep the bad stuff away, you're safe with us."

"Always safe with you," She whispered as she tried to go to sleep but found she couldn't.

"What is wrong Angelos Mou?" Silas asked as they ran their fingers up and down her arms.

"I don't know, my mind won't be quiet," she whispered.

"Close your eyes," North said and she did so.
Silas started telling in detail about Greece and places he used to visit. North would tell her about places he had been to as well. They both told her about various places and people and what life was like in Greece. After a bit they looked down and she was fast asleep. They kissed her on the forehead then went back to sleep.

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