Chapter 27

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Lucy looked up from coloring when she noticed her phone started ringing. It was a number she didn't recognize, "Sirs!" She yelled and they came running when they heard the uncertainty in her voice. She showed them the phone.

"Answer it and put it on speaker," William said and she nodded.

"Hello?" She asked curiously.

"Luce..." Kyree gasped and Robert immediately got on his phone. Lucy didn't have to second guess that he was calling the Blackbourne Toma team.

"Kyree, where are you? Are you okay?" Lucy asked worried.

"I hurt," she whimpered, "I don't know where I am. I want to go home."

"I know, can you tell me something that might help?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know," Kyree whimpered. "I hurt."

"Put us by her," Owen said through Robert's phone. Robert sat by Lucy, "Darling," Owen said trying to remain calm.

"Owen?" Kyree whispered full of confusion.

"Yes Darling, I need you to tell me where you are so we can come get you," Owen said trying to remain calm. He looked up at the team trying to hear, Victor and Corey were typing away on their laptops.

"I don't know," She whimpered. "I want to come home Owen."

"I know Darling, but I need you to be strong and try to help us find you right now, okay?" he asked.

"I hurt Owen," She whispered. "I'm so tired and I hurt."

"Where do you hurt Pookie?" Sean asked coming over to Owen's side.

"Dr. Sean," Kyree sighed.

"Yes Pookie, can you tell me where you hurt so I know what to bring to help you when we find you?" Sean asked trying to imagine what all she has been through but at the same time not wanting to think about what she could have possibly endured.

"I hurt everywhere," She said timidly. "Everywhere hurts."

"I'm sorry Pookie, are you bleeding?" he asked fearfully.

"Yes," She answered honestly.

"A little or a lot Pookie?" he asked concerned.

"Both," She said scared.

"What do you mean both?" Owen asked.

"Some places a little and some places a lot," She answered truthfully. There was a loud thud and Owen and Sean both looked up from the phone to see North had punched a wall. Silas and Nathan was trying to prevent him from doing it again while Axel and Marc were trying to hold Raven back from punching something as well.

"Okay Pookie, I will make it all better when we find you, I promise," Sean said as Kota brought a second bag of medical equipment over so Sean could go bring any and everything he could think of.

"Can you tell me what is outside?" Owen asked.

"Fields and trees," She said tiredly. "I'm so tired."

"I know Pookie but I really need you to stay awake okay?" Sean asked. "Can you find something with an address on it? A piece of mail perhaps?"

"No mail comes here," she said scared.

"He hasn't received mail in the three months you have been gone?" Owen asked confused.

"No," she shook her head. "Oh I shouldn't have done that."

"Done what Baby?" North asked coming over.

"North Star?" she asked confused.

"We all here Kitten," Raven growled.

"What shouldn't you have done Angelos Mou?" Silas asked.

"Shake head makes me dizzy," She whispered.

Sean looked at Owen scared. "Okay Pookie, can you sit down so you don't get hurt if you fall?"

"Legs, tummy hurt when I sit," she said honestly and everyone looked at each other scared and pissed.
Robert had to put a hand over Lucy's mouth then pull her into his lap so she didn't burst into tears.

"Okay Darling, that's okay," Owen said clenching his fists. "Can you go outside and see if you see a street sign or something that will help us find you faster?"

"The phone will disconnect, I'm scared Owen," she whispered.

"I know Darling but I need you to keep being strong a little bit longer, okay? Mr. Morgan and Mr. Henshaw are trying their best to trace the call," Owen said.

"I will try,"she whispered.

"What are you doing Marie?" A deep voice asked suddenly and Lucy clutched Robert even tighter.

"Nothing Master," She said with no emotion. "Just cleaning the broken glass you threw at me earlier."

"Still?" David asked pissed. "God you are so fucking useless. You are only good for one fucking thing. You shouldn't have pissed me off and I wouldn't have thrown it. If you would have cooked a decent meal then I wouldn't have punished you."

"I'm sorry Master," She said as her voice got muffled. They could only guess she was hiding the phone so he wouldn't find it.

"Damn right you will. Now clean this up." There was some shuffling then they heard, "God damn it, can't you do anything right? Time for punishment, maybe it will get through your fucking head to do it right the next time!"

Robert had to hold Lucy still as they listened to Kyree's screams and cries. Silas and Nathan had to hold North back from losing it, while Axel, Marc, and Corey had to hold Raven back. Luke and Gabriel held each to try from breaking down.

"Got it!" Victor and Corey shouted at the same time.

"Get your stuff ready, we will send the location," Owen said hanging up his phone.

A couple of hours later they pulled onto a dirt road that seemed like it would go on forever. "No wonder he chose this place," Kota shook his head. "There's nothing around for miles."

They pulled up to a run down house that looked like it belonged in a horror movie. Luke rushed inside and slipped on something. North caught him, "Thanks Brother," Luke said then gasped when he looked down and realized he has slipped on blood.

They moved aside and everyone gasped as they saw all the blood, broken glass, and broken furniture everywhere. "Find her," Owen growled and they started searching. They bit back gasps when they saw the broken glass and blood in the kitchen as well.

"Owen," Sean growled making everyone look at what he was staring at. On the floor in the kitchen were medieval hand cuffs and ankle cuffs that were attached to an iron ball. A deep growl escaped from everyone.

"Shhh listen," North said suddenly. Silence filled the room and then they heard running water.

Sean took off up the stairs with everyone following. He pushed the bedroom door open and gasped. There on the floor was David with a knife sticking out of his stomach. There were also stab wounds to his chest and neck and arms. Sean walked past him and forced himself to ignore the blood and torn clothes on the bed and floor.

He heard the rest of the team gasp as they entered the bedroom but ignored them as he pushed open the bathroom door. He slowly moved the shower curtain and his heart broke. There sat Kyree scrubbing her body raw and the water was mixing with blood at the bottom of the tub.

"Oh Pookie," Sean sighed as he kneeled down beside her.

"I just wanted him to stop," She burst into tears, "I'm sorry I just wanted him to stop touching me. It won't come off. Why wont his touch come off?"

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