Chapter 45

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"Was ooin Woffie?" Kyree asked as she came over to him while he was kneeling in front of the pond.

"Well Doll," He smiled as he stood to turn and look at her. "I was checking the water to make it was finally safe for the koi fish."

"Fishies come?" She asked excitedly as she started bouncing.

"Yes Doll," He smiled at her. "Why don't you go let Blackbourne know so he can call the place?"

"Otay!" she squealed and took off for the house.

"Don't run!" he called after her then noticed Max was barking and right beside her.

Max's barking made everyone come running and once she saw Owen she jumped making him catch her. "What has got you so excited Darling?" He asked as she giggled in his ear.

"Fishies come!" she squealed in excitement. "Woffie tay fishies come Owie!"

"That's great Darling," He said pushing her hair out of her face. "Why don't you go to Mr. Coleman and let him fix your hair so it stays out of your face and I will go call the pet place?"

"Otay," She nodded. "Meanie?" She made grabbing hands for him.

"Come on Trouble," he chuckled taking her from Owen. "Let's go get all pretty for the fishies."

"Yay!" she giggled and hugged him tighter.

An hour later Luke shouted up the stairs, "They are here Cupcake!"

"Yay!" her squeal filled the house then her hurried footsteps.

"Don't run!" Numerous voices shouted throughout the house making her stop.

"Wait for me Cupcake," Luke said as he climbed the stairs to her. He picked her up and she climbed to his back. "Piggy back ready?"

"Wet's go Ninja Wuke!" She beamed as she hugged him tighter from behind.

The guys chuckled at her enthusiasm and followed behind. Once they reached the pond she carefully slid down Luke's back and she went to stand by Axel. He took her hand and she watched as the men transferred the fish into the pond.

"So pretty," She whispered slipping back into adult mode.

"You chose nice ones," he whispered back.

Once the men from the pet place left she sat by the pond and Max sat beside her. "Do you want me to show you how to feed them, Doll?" Axel asked and she nodded. He took her hand and showed her how to feed them. "Now it will be your responsibility to take care of them with one of our help, of course."

"Thank you," She smiled as she started petting Max and sat criss cross to keep watching them.

"We're going to go back inside but Max will stay with you okay?" Kota asked and she nodded.

"Ok, I just want to watch them for a bit," She said softly.

"Would you like me to bring you the laptop and the notes so you can write if you want to that is?" Nathan asked and she beamed.

"Would that be okay?" She asked hopefully.

"Why wouldn't it?" Brandon asked.

"Because it's a laptop by water?" She asked confused.

"We wouldn't allow it if you were in little mode," Owen nodded. "Just like you aren't allowed any electronics without supervision when you are in little mode, but you are an adult right now so we know you know how to properly care for it."

"Oh okay," she smiled softly.

"One of us will come check on you every so often just in case you start slipping and don't recognize it we will be able to, will that be okay?"

"That would be awesome, thank you," She tilted her head up and kissed them all on the cheek and gave them a hug. They left and a little bit later Nathan came back with her laptop and the notes he wrote down for her a few days prior. He kissed the top of her head and headed back inside. Max laid down and she opened up the laptop to start working on her book.

About an hour later one of the guys came down and saw her typing away with Max laying next to her. They asked her a few questions to make sure she was still an adult, then went back inside. This happened for a few hours and just as the sun was starting to set they saw her heading back up to the house.

"We were just about to come get you Princess, dinner is almost ready," Victor smiled as he took the laptop from her. "Did you get everything done you wanted to?"

"Yes and even more," she beamed up at him. "I think we are going to be so happy here."

"We do too," Corey smiled as they headed inside.

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