Chapter 14

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Thank you so much everyone for the words of encouragement. It truly helped me through the darkness. Yesterday was a hectic day as I started homeschooling my four children as well as work on my own school lessons, but I was able to quickly put together another chapter for my four stories Im currently working on. Its shocking to believe I have five stories on here, but I know it wouldnt be possible for you readers. You mean so much to me, I hope you know that. I am so thankful for everyone of you and your love for my stories!

"Whats that?" Gabriel asked as Luke pulled the mail out of the mailbox and a pink piece of paper fell to the ground.

"Something has to be picked up at the post office," Brandon said reading the paper.

"Ill go get it," Corey said heading back to his car after Luke gave him the paper.

"Where could she have gone?" North asked himself as he paced the living room.

"I dont know," Silas muttered looking out the window. "But we will find her."

"Ill see if I can find some information on her," Victor said opening his laptop, "But I cant say for sure since we couldnt find anything a while back."

A little while later Corey came back with a brown package. He opened it and sighed, "What?" Gabriel asked and Corey lifted the laptop out of the box.

"Why would she send that back?" Luke asked. He sat down, "Thats why she was at the post office."

"Do you think she went to the computer store to get another one?" Kota asked and Corey shook his head as he powered on the laptop.

"She had them erase it," Corey said softly.

"Fuck!" North shouted as he knocked the chair that was in front on him down and stormed to the work out room.

Silas nodded at Owen and followed North into the work out room. He watched North for a while. "I just need to know she is okay," North sighed as he stopped punching the punching bag.

"We will find her," Silas said putting on some boxing gloves after North put some on.

"But will she be okay when we do? We dont even know who her ex is other than he is abusive and not a true Dom," North asked before putting guard in his mouth.

"No matter how she is, we will take care of her and show her the right way to be loved," Silas said then stuck his guard in. He motioned for North to start and they began to get their anger out on each other.

"Break," Nathan said coming into the room. They broke apart and leaned against the ropes. "Go get cleaned up, Victor has something."

They took quick showers and came into the study where Victor was typing away on his laptop. Corey was turning on his to help Victor out.

"Either her real name isnt Kyree Medina or she is a complete ghost," Victor said while Marc handed him a cup of coffee.

"What?" North asked shocked.

"I have searched every single database I could, even the dark web, and I even called in favors just to make sure. Thankfully no one would accept favors when I explained why I needed help. There is no trace of a Kyree Medina aside from creating a publishing company called Stories Publishing Company. As you know when I first tried to find information, theres no birth certificate or social media. Heck, there isnt even a MySpace with her name on it. I cant even find a bank account or transactions for her with Stories Publishing Company. I cant find how she is getting paid or where she is getting the money from. There is no trace of a Kyree Medina, North," Victor sighed.

"Then who is she?" Luke asked.

"Shes Kyree Medina, my Baby, and our Bird," North growled. "It doesnt matter what her birth name is, we know shes hiding from an asshole so it makes since she would give us an alias to try and keep her hidden and safe."

"True," Raven growled. "He die, I show him professional Russian hurting scaring Kitten."

"Do you think Lucy will give us any sort of information?" Brandon asked.

"I doubt it," Kota shook his head. "Im beginning to think Lucy isnt even her real name."

"Maybe if we talk to her Doms they could get her to help us out," Nathan said.

"We would have to find out who they are first."

"Could you get into the publishing stuff and see if they fucking exchanged emails or listen in on the phones or fucking anything?" Gabriel asked.

"Its illegal but Ill see what we can do," Victor said and Corey nodded.

"Im going to go talk to Lucy," North growled grabbing his car keys.

"Ill come with you Mr. Taylor," Owen said following him out the door.

"Can I help you---Mr. Blackbourne? Mr. Taylor?" the man asked as Owen and North walked into the publishing company.

"Mr. Wilson," Owen nodded to the gentleman and fixed his tie.

"Robert?" North asked confused.

"What are you doing here?" Robert Wilson asked confused.

"They keep trying to get information on my boss," Lucy said rolling her eyes.

"Behave," Robert warned and she looked down at her desk.

"Shes your Sub?" North asked and Robert nodded.

"Shes very protective of her," Owen said while holding his gaze with Robert.

"She is," Robert looked away and nodded.

"We need to find her but nothing is showing up in our search," Owen explained.

"Nothing would," Robert nodded.

"Shes a ghost?" North asked and Robert shrugged.

"Were not saying," Lucy glared. "We promised."

Robert looked at her and she looked back down. "Blackbourne has more connections so I would watch it if I were you."

"Is someone being a brat today?" A man asked coming in and she pouted and shook her head.

"Mr. Jones," Owen nodded.

"William," North acknowledged.

"What are you doing here?" William Jones asked coming over to the group.

"Lucys boss somehow knew the Blackbourne Toma team before she left," Robert explained. "They want more information on her to find her but Lucy is pretty adamant about withholding what she knows."

"We promised," Lucy pouted. The look William gave her made her instantly look back down.

"The Blackbourne Toma team is the best out of the academy," William explained. "Tell them."

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