19➟ In which Ms Anders confesses her love.

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He was stood there.

That stupid smirk on his face.

No indication that he'd just seen his wing get fucking torn off.

No. Fucking. Indication.

"Haha," I grumbled, standing straight to face him.

"That was a good trick," he tilted his head to the side, "Even better than the tricks you could do when we were kids."

Delphi looked between the two of us, "You two trained together when you were kids."

"Wish I hadn't," I mumbled under my breath as Hawks smiled and nodded to the boy.

Delphi looked at me, "and you're still training?" A massive smile appeared on his face, happy that he'd stumbled across some new ammunition to use against me.

"Thought you'd already know," I squinted at the boy, trying to work out his play, "and anyway. I left, you know that."

"Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that you're training with a kid."

I gave him a confused look, "you know that you're making fun of yourself by saying that?"

He smiled, "I know- and I don't care."

Hawks smiled too, ruffling the boy's hair, "he's got his priorities straight."

"Thank you."

I signed, "I dislike the fact that the two of you are getting along."

"I've known Mr Hawks for a while actually-"

"-Mr Hawks? Five seconds ago you called him a pigeon!"

"All fun and games," Hawks smirked, "he didn't mean it anyways, did you Psychic Boy?"

Delphi have Hawks a side glare, the man in question squeezing his shoulder playfully, "anyways, hate to cut this short, but I've got a date with my special lady." Both Delphi and I rolled our eyes, beginning to walk off without Hawks who continued to brag about how amazing his love life was, "-oh! And she's got massive-"

I quickly placed my hands over Delphi's ears who looked up at me, "his voice sounding in my head, "You know I could just jump into his head and listen to it straight from the source?"

"But you won't."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know."

He shook his head, maybe it was because of my answer, or maybe it was because Hawks was now walking next to us and still hadn't shut up.

"Hawks, buddy, ol' pal," I placed a hand in his shoulder, "I'm so glad that you're having such a great time with Lelijia and her massive personality, but, unfortunately, we do not care."

"Damn, don't have to be so blunt buddy, guess you don't want to know about this either then."

I stopped, turning to look at Hawks, ready to make fun of his relationship once again, not because I was bitter, obviously not, I was doing it... for his own good...? Either way, I cut short by what he was holding, "is that-"

"Woah, woah, woah, I might be a 12-year-old with no relationship experience, but even I know you can't do that," Delphi interrupted, appearing to be just as confused as I was.

Hawks rolled his eyes, "exactly, you're 12, you know nothing of love."

"And it would seem that you don't either," I looked at him with wide eyes, "I get that you like her-"

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