46 ➟ In which we prepare.

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Mornings. I love mornings. Early morning, when you should definitely be too tired to remember what happened late last night. Groggy mornings when you can't quite seem to put a finger on the events of the previous night. Mornings, where you're too busy getting changed and waking yourself up to remember that your best friend loves you and- hey, guess what! Apparently, you love him too!

There was a knock at my door.

Apparently, I was awake enough to remember every little tiny detail about what happened last night, but not awake enough to remember how to open a door. Instead, I just stared at the door handle. "You gonna open that?"

I turned to see Takami, resting against the ensuite doorframe, pulling his Comission mandated shirt over his head and over his abs- his extremely defined-

There was another knock at the door and I finally managed to walk up to it, open it, and see the President standing on the opposite side of the door, her arms crossed over her chest, "I assume you're ready to go over the plans for the day?"

I stood dead straight, nodding mechanically, "Yep."

She looked me up and down, "Good," and went to turn away before looking back at me, "Oh, and, you don't happen to know where Hawks is, do you?"

I laughed, "Haha, pft, no, no, sorry, ha, I don't -ha- I don't know where he is, no, sorry, no."

She just stared at me, looking practically disgusted, with an eyebrow pointedly raised, before walking off down the corridor.

"You're a terrible liar," Hawks noted from behind me. Taking a seat on the corner of the bed.

"And you're a..." I couldn't think of anything to say so I just mumbled a few random syllables.

"Hey," he held his hands up in defence, "I'm sorry I brought and made you breakfast in bed."

"Yeah? Well so am I."

"What does that mean?"

I threw my hands up in the air, "I don't know what it means Takami!" Sighing, I took a seat on the opposite corner of the bed, "Why did you make me breakfast?"

"Can I not make my best friend breakfast?"

My heart sunk a little, but I ignored it, reaching over and hitting Hawks lightly on the shoulder, "Be serious." I said simply.

He chuckled, "I wanted to- is that okay with you?" He teased and I rolled my eyes, knowing that I'd never get a straight answer out of him.

"Let's go, we need to get to this meeting," I stood up almost as quickly as I had sat down, genuinely getting a bit tired of Hawks' nonchalant demeanour, making sure to leave the room as quickly as possible so that the door to the room would close on him and give me a few seconds to get further down the corridor, without him.

Rin was already in the room when I got to the room, Takami was 5 minutes behind me, opening the door with this stupid grin on his face like he wasn't late and hadn't woken me up at 4:30 in the morning with a tray of slightly burnt food just to get on my nerves.

The President said nothing to him, instead, she just began the meeting, as if this happened often. I wouldn't put it past him, yet, he was always so quick to act when the Commission called, I was mildly surprised. Information was relayed, I simply listened, a lightness filling my body from the nerves that were already beginning to course through me. I couldn't help but wonder where I would be, just a few hours from now. Capitol road. 9 PM.

"And what if it's a set-up?" I asked, finally saying my piece and contributing to the meeting.

The President looked at me, "You don't think we haven't already thought about that?" She pointed to the road map in front of her, a well-manicured, filed-to-a-point nail, that carefully picked out a multitude of different spots across the streets surrounding the Comission building. "There will be heroes, waiting in each of these areas, they are aware of what we know and, when instructed, will be sent in, to capture, detain and diffuse any potentially dangerous situations. I assure you, pedestrian safety, alongside our own, is at the top of our priority list. We have everything taken care of- all we need is for the three of you to fully realise your jobs and what you will be doing tomorrow." This time, she pointed to Capitol road, where I would be positioned, I looked at the clock on the wall, 14 hours from now, "Y/N will be here, as the Librarian has already directed. Hawks, you will be inside the building. We've decommissioned the elevator and stationed it on the top floor, so that it will be easy for you to get to different areas quickly, with the lowest chance of being seen. Delphi. You will stay here, with me in my office." Her eyes flickered to me for the briefest of moments, "You're too valuable to get hurt as of right now, when the Librarian is taken in, you will immediately be brought to his place of capture and will use your quirk on him, as to understand everything we can about this crime syndicate." She nodded to herself, looking over the papers spread across the table once more before looking at the three of us. "The other heroes have arrived for a more in-depth briefing of this mission, I'd recommend that the three of you take the remaining hours to prepare for the mission, I would like you all to be back by 6 at the latest, okay?"

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