28 ➟ In which I pull and Ed Sheeran.

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My wardrobe was absolutely dismal. Nothing in it said 'nice' at all, nothing. Everything I owned was what most people would call business casual, not restaurant nice. I could probably make an outfit out of what I had, but I had this horrible feeling that I would stick out like a sore thumb wherever Clover ended up taking me.

The positive? I still had three hours to get ready, so I decided the best thing to do was to take a break and come back later with a clear mind... to get dressed.

That sounds ridiculous, but in my defence, I was stressed out. Internally debating if "dinner" really meant dinner, or that I had been found out and was about to be killed. I think that "stressed out" was a pretty reasonable reaction to that conundrum.

But what I lacked in fashion skills, I made up for in quick thinking, or at least I'd like to think so, "Rin, I'm going out to get some stuff!" I called out, doubting he was really paying attention since the TV was on and that every spare moment we had, he spent watching the TV. I tried telling him that there were other things to do around the house, but he wasn't having any of it.

"What kind of stuff?" He questioned, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Clothes," I said simply, grabbing my wallet and phone, "my phone numbers on the fridge, call me if you need anything or if anything happens- oh and be careful!"

He nodded, too engrossed in his show to verbally respond, so I left him to it, making sure the door was properly and safely locked behind him.

"Y/n! Just the person I wanted to see."

I practically slammed my keys into the face of the unexpected speaker, the two of us in complete shock and unsure of what to say as my victim gradually managed to pull themselves off of the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry..." I trailed off, glaring at the guy, "Hawks."

He smiled as best he could all while nursing a bleeding nose, "You're not going to apologise to me properly?" He complained, frantically pointing to his nose with his free hand.

"Come on babe, she's sorry," standing behind Hawks, previously hidden behind his wings, was Lelija, looking perfect, as usual, "Aren't you, Y/n?" She looked at me with her stunning as ever lilac tinted eyes, a small smile playing on her lips.

I stared blankly, "Uhh."

"Wow," Hawks threw his hands in the air before realising it was a mistake and quickly held his nose again, breaking me out of my trance.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, real sorry Hawks." I nodded along with my words, "um," I spun on my heel, quickly opening the door, which I hadn't got the chance to lock yet, "Come in, I'll take care of your nose, sorry- again." I held the door open for both of them, Hawks rolling his eyes and Lelija smiling warmly, before looking around the apartment, "Feel free to look around if you want Lelija." I smiled, "Rin took charge of the decoration, I'm sure he'd love to talk about the new vases," I spoke louder in an attempt to grab Rin's attention, but was surprised to find him looking at the two of us- well, at Lelija. She seemed to grab everyone's attention.

"I love what you've done with the place sweetie," She beamed, gracefully setting herself down beside Rin on the sofa, who, surprisingly, didn't look too pleased.

"Nose bleeding here?"

I sighed, turning around to look at Hawks who was still cupping his nose, "Sorry, I was just-"

"Falling in love with Lelija, I get it," he rolled his eyes.

"What?" I stared at him with wide eyes, "I'm not falling in love with her, I was making sure Rin was being polite. Anyway- shut up and let me see your nose."

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