21➟ In which we haven't even unpacked and someone's already broke in.

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  "You've never seen a building before?" I chuckled, looking to my left at Rin who was staring out of the tinted window with stars in his eyes. Nearly every building we passed piqued his interest and as soon as it left his sight, he had this sad look on his face- and just when I was about to explain that we could always come back to see it when we had the time a new building grabbed his attention and he completely forgot about the last one.

He just turned to look at me, a plain look on his face.

My mouth formed an 'o' shape in realisation.

He was too young to remember the city when the commission first got their hold on him.

And the kid had never left the training facility since then.

"How about we go for a walk around the city once we've unpacked?"

It was early morning and the sky was still dark, we had a full day to 'get accustomed to our new surroundings' as our driver had said when we had first got in the car. In my books, exploring the city with Rin was the definition of getting 'accustomed'.

He nodded, a small smile on his face.

The look of wonder on his face made me remember that he was really just a kid. Training with the commission had matured him, but deep down, he was still 12-years-old and at times like this, it showed.

The commission didn't want kids, they wanted well-accustomed adults, so they'd skipped past the childhood part of things, you know, the healthy thing to do.

I decided to leave the kid to his own thought for the last ten minutes of the drive, it gave me some time to take his approach and appreciate the outside as well.

There was a pleasant sense of nostalgia in driving through the city. The garage was near the outskirts of the business part of the city, you found that there were more cars out that way so, therefore, I was familiar with the outer parts of the city. But every now and then, I'd go into the main city with some of the guys from work. Since I was so on edge about the commission finding me back then, I tried not to leave the areas I was accustomed to as much as possible, even then, I still got curious; it's human nature after all.

I remember one day when Ena had convinced me to go with Tsuyoshi. She'd dragged us both to this cafe she remembered from when she came with her mum once.

She was killed in a villain attack on the train home from work when Ena was nine.

That day was the first time Yoshi told me about Ena's mother. He'd told me that it was the first time he'd told anyone about her.

We both really trusted each other back then...

"We're here."

The voice of the driver shook me out of my thoughts, but when I looked over at Rin, he was still staring out of the window at yet another building. I followed his gaze, my eyes falling upon a sleek white-tiled building that stood a few floors taller than the buildings around it. Definitely been built as a statement piece. It was one of those buildings where each floor had these massive single pane windows that everyone could see through, a lack of privacy that exclusively belonged to the rich elite.

I don't know anyone who would want to live like that- oh, wait.


And apparently Rin too, "Are we staying in that one?" he asked, scrambling out of the car and trying to unload the boot as quickly as possible. I opened the car door, grabbing the bags from him so that he didn't accidentally drop anything in his excited flurry.

The driver got out of the car, pressing a button in the boot that opened up another compartment in the back, from that he pulled out a small suitcase and handed it to me, "Everything you need is in this suitcase," he then reached into his pocket, pulling out a key ring with two keys on it and handing it to me, "Here are your keys for the house and car."

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