11➟ In which I meet an old friend.

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   "President." I don't think that there was a specific word for the way I was feeling. A mixture of fear, dread; pure hatred. "It's been a while, hasn't it? If you would please follow me, I have some things I must discuss with you." 

Throughout my time at the HPSC, I'd rarely spoken directly to the President. Her appearance in the training facility was a rarity. The only time I remember seeing her was when she came to see Takami. He was their favourite, they didn't try to hide it either. So why was she here and not directing him on some other mission? And why did I feel so scared of her?

"[N/N] are you alright?" Ena's voice was soft. She's always had a sweet voice.

"Ena, sweetheart stay back," Yoshi usually had a soft voice too. But not now. Now it was harsh and gruff. For the first time in years- he sounded like he looked. 

"But dad-"

"Back, sweetheart."

The President cleared her throat, "We could discuss this here, though I'd much rather discuss this in my office, I'm sure you'd prefer that too," It was just as I had remembered it to be. Her voice was unmistakable.

"Go away... please," my voice was the only thing that truly sounded unfamiliar. It sounded so foreign to my own ears.

I sounded more childish than the actual child in the room. It was something to be ashamed of. In a matter of seconds, I had become the weakest person in the room. From a single face.

"Are you alright [N/N]?" Ena looked between me and her dad, a look of panic on her face, "Is she alright dad?"

"Ena, I told you to stay back."

Why Tsuyoshi? Why do you want her to stay back? What did I do? Do you think I'm dangerous? Did she tell you that? I can't be dangerous if I'm so weak. I'm weak.

How is it that when I was a child, I had the confidence to run from the President, and that now, as an adult, I barely have the confidence to look at her? 

"Young girl, your father has told you to stay back. This woman is dangerous." And youWhat are you doing here?

"But she's not!" Ena's right, I'm not. I've never tried to be dangerous. It's your fault. I'm dangerous because you made me that way. And you're back to use what you created. Aren't you?

"Please, leave me alone." The woman didn't say anything. There was no reason for her to. "I don't want to go with you, I don't want to listen to you, I don't want to be Ephilates," I practically spat out the name, it felt like acid on my tongue, "I want to be [N/N]." The woman's face pushed forward into my vision, stronger and clearer than before, "You can't keep running away from who you are."

"I ran away once, I can do it again," I countered, gaining my footing and trying to gain back my confidence.

"And where will you run away to?" her voice was mocking, her tone sounded as if she was silently mocking me.

I pushed away from the wall behind me, growing steadier as I spoke, "Anywhere from you and the HPSC."

"We've found you now, we'll find you again and again and again. We know each and every one of your next moves," she said it like it was a game of chess, and she already knew I had lost.

"You'll never let old wounds heal, will you Ms President?" I looked up, making direct eye contact with those cold blue eyes.

"The past never dies, Ephialtes. You'd do well to learn that."

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