31 ➟ In which I'm given an opportunity.

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   I didn't have much of a choice. And I'm not saying that as an excuse- I really didn't. It was like my body was attracted to him like the north and south poles of a magnet. I literally had no control over my body.

I didn't know how he'd done it either. He hadn't winked at me, he'd winked at the waiter, but not me- that was how he activated his quirk, right? That's what his file said, there was no other thing that indicated that he had activated his quirk.

My mind was in my own control, but my body wasn't. The only thing I could do was think.

And it was horrible.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop moving. As loudly as I shouted in my head, I couldn't make a sound.

Makuda guided me back through the tables, although this time, instead of going back through the doors we entered by, we turned at the last moment, swerving in a different direction and, as I followed our direct line of movement with my eyes, heading toward the kitchen.

A pair of double doors that waiters and waitresses pushed through with various tiny dishes on giant plates. Green doors with two, small, circular windows that revealed the smallest hint of the kitchen's interior and swung silently when Makuda and I entered through them.

No one took notice of us- except for our waiter, who was standing, quietly in front of a smaller, single, black door with a padlock holding it shut.

Now, I'm not one to assume, or at least, I try not to, but I think it's fair to say, particularly at that moment, with no control of my body and a shady padlocked door approaching, that I was fucked.


No part of this looked normal. I mean, who walks into the kitchen so casually like that without any kind of acknowledgement on anyone's part. Not anyone who wasn't either the owner of the place or a member of some hidden villain mafia.

Exactly what I was meant to be investigating him for.

On the bright side, it seemed as if I would be finding out whether the HPSC's theories were true, on a slightly less bright side, it seemed as though I wouldn't get a chance to tell anyone that because I would be dead.

The waiter opened the door and we went through. Engulfed in darkness for a split second before getting blinded by these bright, flashing neon lights that lined the staircase we were heading downs and read something along the lines of 'ladies of the night' and 'dancers for your pleasure' literally leaving nothing to the imagination. He was taking me to a hidden strip club.

We were heading down a staircase that, alongside the neon signs, had framed posters decorating every single inch of the walls, each of them showcasing different ladies and gentlemen posing in risqué garments, some hanging elegantly from a pole, some simply posing for the camera.

"You seem trustworthy and I like your attitude."

All my attention focused in on Clover, who had begun to speak.

"You also have your wiles and personally, I want you in."

He continued to hold onto my wrist as we ventured further down the stairs which seemed to go on forever and ever.

"You see, I believe that heroes and villains have a set place in this world- and not the traditional one. The ones people see as 'villains' are truly just more powerful than society wants them to be," he stopped, turning to look at me, "you're powerful."

He let go of my wrist, leaving me swaying for a few seconds before my brain and body came to terms with the fact that, I could now move of my own accord.

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