10➟ In which I get a babysitting job.

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     "Food?" I threw the doggy bag onto the nearest workbench, heading straight to the counter.

"Thank you?" Tsuyoshi looked up from his bench, a confused look gracing his face, "what... what is this?" he poked the bag with one arm whilst the other the continued to work on whatever he was doing.

"Food," I repeated.

"Yeah, I guessed that, I meant what type of food?"

I shrugged, "Bit of a mix, it's all grilled though."

Tsuyoshi picked up the bag and peered into it, "You don't want this?"

"Nah, I had enough at the restaurant," I shook my head, seeing the way Yoshi was looking at the food, "just take it, you know you want it."

"I do know," he smiled, shaking his head, "but this place is expensive, you sure you don't want to save it and heat it up later?"

I lightly hit his shoulder, "I'm literally offering yo free good food, if it's not enough to convince you I guess I'll just have to... throw it away," I pouted dramatically, going to take the food from him before he took it back.

"Thank you [N/N]."

"It's all good Yoshi."

He nodded, pulling out a meal, "Hey, can you do me a favour?"

I paused, "... Depends."

"On what?"

"Whether I actually want to."

He shook his head, "I've got some last-minute plans tonight, do you think you could look after Ena?"

I had to hide my smile, I loved that kid. She was the embodiment of the perfect child- in all of the best ways.

Not like those snobby 'perfect' kids, I mean perfect in the way that made her the best kid to babysit.

"Oh, wow, that's a tall order," I said sarcastically, "Fine, I guess if I have to."

Yoshi ignored my reply, "She'll be happy to see you."

"Of course, why wouldn't she," I smiled, patting Tsuyoshi on the back.

He grabbed my hand, "Just don't break anything this time."

I pulled my hands back in a shocked manner, "That wasn't me."


"I mean it, you should have a little more faith in me."

"I do," He smirked, "Just not when you break nearly all of my glasses."

"Hey! No glasses were harmed by me."

"Mhm Hm."

I pointed a finger at him, "Don't take that tone with me."

"What tone?"

I groaned, "Sure Yoshi. What time do you want me to get to yours by?"


"Got it," I backed away, shooting finger guns in his direction.


I knocked on Tsuyoshi's front door, only for it to be opened barely a second after. Perhaps 'opened' was the wrong word to use, since I was practically thrown back by the sheer force of it.

Ena didn't even give me a chance to say hello before she'd thrown her arms around me and was already dragging me inside the house by my wrist.

"You're early," She looked behind her, "Dad's getting ready for his date."

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