37: Home Raiders

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Dylan dropped Caren off and Olivia's place. Before he left, he asked Olivia if she wanted him to take them to Jake's house. She politely declined and insisted on using her car instead. The duo arrived at Jake's place some minutes later.

"Wow! The house is huge!" Caren said in amazement as they walked in.

"I know right! The workers did an awesome job renovating the place. Looks a whole lot different than what I saw in the pictures." Olivia replied.

"He'd better not throw any parties in here. Would hate to see this beautiful home get messed up."

"Nah! I'm petty sure his party-hosting days are long gone. With him being a famous DJ now, I doubt he'll have the time to organize a lunch date, talk less of hosting a house party. And even if he does, the party will be for the prim and proper." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"But, that'll be even better, don't you think? At least, everyone will act in a civilized manner and not take secret videos of people when they're drunk and later use it to ruin their lives."

"You actually have a point there!" She nodded.

"It seems like all the doors we've been opening are all closets. How much storage does a person need?" Caren shrugged.

"This house was probably made for a family of 10." Olivia chuckled.

"I think so too!"

"Let's just continue touring the house. I'm sure we'll find the basement soon."

"We should probably go upstairs and see what's there. Won't be surprised if we find more closet spaces."

"Girl, you're hilarious," Olivia chuckled. "Let's go!"

They got upstairs and opened the first door they saw.

"Finally, a bedroom! It's really nice though." Caren rejoiced.

"It is! This one is also a bedroom." Olivia said as she opened the next door. "It's the Master's."

"Wow, this is huge!" Caren glanced around and then walked into the bathroom. "Girl, there's a freaking hot tub in here!"

"Are you sure I shouldn't move in with my cousin? This place is fantastic." Olivia said as she entered the bathroom. "Look at the size of that shower! It could fit 6 people."

"Girl, if you're going to join Jake in this house, I'm definitely moving in too."

"I know right! It's not like he's even here all the time. Someone has got to stay here and keep the dust out."

"This house and it's beauty is making me forget the reason why we're here." Caren shook her head.

"For real! Come on, we better get looking."

They left the Master's bedroom and went into the room next to it.

"At least we're now certain about one thing now." Caren said.

"What's that?"

"All the doors upstairs lead bedrooms and not closet spaces," Caren chuckled.

"Thank goodness for that! Hey, there's another door in here."

"Probably a bathroom." Caren replied as she walked up to one of the windows that was opened and looked at the view outside.

Olivia reached for the handle and opened the door. She smiled upon seeing the staircase that would lead them all the way down. "Wrong! We found the basement!"

"Oh, thank God! Was starting to look like we were in a maze."

"Let's go!"

"Hold up! Should I close the window? Jake left it open."

"Yes please! He probably forgot since he had to rush off."

"Ugh, I can't! It's a little stiff." Caren said after trying her best to force it down.

"Just leave it then. We'll come back to it when we're done."

They were about to head down the basement when a loud knock came on the front door.

"Who could that be?" Caren asked.

"Probably a neighbour who came to say hello. Let's go see!"

They left the room and went down to the main entrance. Olivia opened the door and to their astonishment, it was the police.

"Uhm... Officer, can I help you?" Olivia asked.

"We received a call a while ago that there has been a breaking and entry into this premises."

"There must be a mistake somewhere. You probably got the wrong house." Olivia replied.

Just then, 2 officers returned from the back of the house and joined the officer in front.

"There's an open window on the second floor, Sarge." One of the officers that joined them said.

"And right below the window, there was a ladder laying flat on the grass." The other officer added.

"Do you ladies live here?" The officer asked.

"No, but this is my cousin's house."

"Mind if we take a look around?" The first officer asked.

"Sure!" Olivia nodded.

"How did you get in Ma'am?" The officer asked.

"My cousin gave me the key." She replied.

2 police men alongside Olivia and Caren went upstairs. They inspected the bedroom that had the open window and one of the officers went down to the basement for a few seconds. He came back up and walked up to the girls.

"I'm placing you both under arrest for trespassing. You have the right to remain silent as anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at anytime to exercise these rights  and not answer any questions or make any statements."

"You can't be serious! Please get your hands off me because I do not consent to this. Did you not understand what I said? I have the keys to the house. How is it possible that I broke in through a window when I have the keys?" Olivia yelled.

"You'll explain that when we get to the station." The police men put Caren and Olivia in handcuffs and took them downstairs.

"Oh dear God, not again!" Caren quietly murmured as tears began rolling down her eyes.

They put them into the car and took them straight to the station.


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