40: The Warning

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Friday finally arrived. The day that the project they have all been working on, would take its full form. Caren noticed that Calvin looked extraordinarily happy above every other person. Seeing him this happy kind of made her happy as well. She realized that Calvin had stopped picking on her, the way he used to. She wasn't sure whether it was because his mind was occupied with the project at hand or maybe it was because he had decided to forgive her and move on. Either way, she liked this Calvin better.

"Hello, Caren!" Jade snapped her fingers.

"Yes, yes!" She jumped out of her seat. "What?"

"I've been calling your name. What on earth are you thinking about?" Jade asked.

"Apologies! I got carried away. What do you want?"

"Halle said you should come downstairs. She said it's really important."

"Why didn't she just call me?"

"I'm not sure! I told her you were busy and asked her to tell me what it's about but she refused to say anything." Jade shrugged.

"Ugh, no worries. I'll just go and see what she wants." Caren stood up and left the office.

She went downstairs and searched all around for Halle but didn't see her.

"Caren, are you ready?"

"She turned around and saw Calvin walking towards her.

"Come on, let's hurry up and get these adverts out there. Where's your laptop?"

"In my office. Please excuse me while I go and get it." She moved quickly to the elevator.

"Please hurry up, it's almost time." He mentioned loud enough to her hearing.

She exited the elevator and ran into Halle in the hallway.

"I went downstairs searching for you and you're up here." Caren frowned.

"I thought you weren't coming so I came up to look for you." Halle replied.

"It's everything okay, I'm kind of in a haste. We're about to get the advertisements out there."

"Everything is fine! I wanted to give you this." She handed a paper over to Caren. "It's a list of the stationary items we need by the end of the month and also, the sum requested by the maintenence team for the repairs they made yesterday. I need you to go over it and sign it so I can take it to the accountant."

"Is this the reason you asked me to come downstairs? You could have given it to my assistant when you saw her." Caren shrugged.

"This involves money and your signature is required. I hope you do realize that any issue that has to do with a company's money is extremely delicate and shouldn't be handled carelessly or go into the wrong hands. If there's even a slight fraudulent activity, you'll be among the first to go down. You ought to know better!" Halle said sternly.

"You're right! I'm sorry. I'm just really busy and not really thinking straight right now. Thank you for giving me this. I'll sign it and send it to your email as soon as possible."

"Great! See you later." Halle turned and left.

Caren rushed into her office and grabbed her laptop.

"Is it time?" Jade asked.

"It is! Let's go." She instructed and Jade immediately followed behind.

They got to the publication room and met Calvin there.

"Oh good, you're here! Please give your laptop to the digital technician and show him the file."

"Sure!" She did exactly as Calvin instructed.

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