36: A Much-Awaited Call

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"Good morning, Sweetheart."

The soothing words penetrated her ears and her lips cracked a smile. Her eyes slowly opened and she saw Dylan staring at her. She wondered how this man before her could look so handsome right after waking up.

"Morning. Did you have a great night?" She asked, still curled up under the covers.

"I'd be the biggest liar in the whole world if I said I didn't have a wonderful night. Thank you for being such an amazing woman." He smiled.

"You're welcome!" She blushed.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping that I was in serious doubts as to whether I should disturb you. But the massage therapist just called to remind you of your appointment. It's almost time for your massage."

"Aw! What's the time?"

"It's almost 9AM." He replied.

"Oh wow! Guess I'll go and get ready then."


Caren rushed into the bathroom to get ready. Thanks to the amenities provided by the resort, she was able to brush her teeth and have a nice shower. A few minutes later, she was done. She put on her dress from the previous day and wore the disposable slippers provided by the resort."

"Are you ready? They called again. It's time." Dylan yelled from the bedroom.

"Yes, I'm ready!" She emerged from the bathroom. "Do you people would laugh if they saw me wearing these slippers out?" She giggled.

"If they do then that's a good thing. At least you would be the reason someone's happy." He smiled.

"Aw, you're really sweet. I haven't given you a proper good morning." She walked up to him and gave him a kiss on his lips. "Good morning!" She smiled.

"Wow! Give me a few moments to remind myself I'm not in heaven."

"You're silly," She chuckled. "See you later!"

"Have fun!" He waved to her.

Caren received a range of beauty and fitness treatments for the next 2 hours. By the time her sessions were over, she felt absolutely refreshed and energized. She placed a call to Dylan to find out where he was. He said he was with a couple of friends that work at the resort but that he'd be by the door of her bedroom before she got there. This, she thought would be impossible since she was already at the lobby.

"How on earth did you beat me to it?" She asked as she saw him from down the hallway, standing by the door.

"I failed to mention I'm a pretty good runner." He smiled.

"Wow! Quite impressive." She chuckled as she took the key card from him and unlocked the door. "Oh, by the way, I hope you'll be able to get a refund for the second room you paid for. You know you didn't use it."

"Oh, do you know I totally forgot about that? Thanks for reminding me. With you by my side, I'm certainly sure I won't turn into an irresponsible spendthrift." He chuckled.

"Don't you have a way with words?" She smiled. "Anyway, I really would like to take a shower to get all of these oils off me but there's one problem."

"What's that?" He asked seemingly concerned.

"Well, there's no one to give me a helping hand." She looked at him in a flirtatious manner.

"A helping hand? Why ask for just one hand when I have 2?" He smiled.

"That's true! Maybe you should take a shower with me."

"I did take one already but how can I resist this offer." He smiled.

"You better be on your best behaviour though." She giggled.

"Oh boy! This will be a lot harder than I thought." He chuckled.

They both took off their clothes and went into the bathroom. While they showered, Caren heard her phone ringing nonstop. Olivia crossed her mind and she thought it might be the call she had been expecting all week.

When she got out of the shower, she threw a towel on and went to check her phone.

"It was Olivia calling."

"Call her back! Might be important." Dylan replied.

I'll do that immediately." She said and dialed the number.

"Hey Girl, so sorry I missed your calls, I was in the shower." Caren said.

"Since then? Just tell me you were with a man in there at least that'll be more believable."

"Well... I kinda was." Caren giggled.

"You dirty, dirty girl! Well as much as I hate to distract you from your little romantic session, I had to inform you that I finally got a call from Jake."

"Really? Oh wow! What did he say?"

"He said the workers completed the renovations yesterday."

"Oh, that's great news." Caren said in a joyful tone.

"Yes, but there's a little problem."

"Oh no! What's that?"

"He said he tried sorting out some of his things in the basement but had to stop because he got an urgent call to asking him appear in another state for a show. So he's not exactly sure where the flash drives are."

"Oh Dear! So I guess we'll have to wait till he returns right?"

"Wrong! That's actually the problem now. He passed by my house to give me the keys. He said that if we're up for it, we should go through his stuff and find the small, white, drawstring bag containing the flash drives."

"Really? Do you think we should do that? Maybe we should just wait for him to come back, don't you think? Besides, how are we going to know the what flash drive the video's on?" Caren asked.

"He said they all have tags to identify the month and year. How about this, let's go and see the condition of his things in the basement. If it's a lot to handle, we'll leave it till he returns, but if it's just a few boxes, then we'll try to find the bag."

"Sounds like a plan. Where should I meet you?"

"Come to my place and we'll go from here. I'll text you my address."

"Awesome! See you soon then." Caren hung up.


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