14: The Bright Side

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"They turned my sister and I into domestic workers. We started doing absolutely everything there was to do at home. And if my aunt wasn't satisfied with how we performed a certain task, she'd beat us until we did it perfectly. Sometimes, as a form of punishment, they'd make us sleep in the basement, and when we were permitted to sleep inside, the living room was our bedroom and the carpet was our mattress."

"What? That's terrible! Oh my God!" Caren shook her head.

"It was! My uncle was barely around during the day like I said before, but one day, he returned a little earlier than usual cause he forgot something. His wife had gone shopping by that time and the kids were in school. My sister and I decided to use that opportunity and tell him everything that his family had been doing to us. We thought that he would save us from the misery. Instead, he called us ungrateful children for accusing his wife of being an abuser and his kids of being bullies.

He threatened us and said that he was going to call the Child Services and ask them to take us because we were ungrateful. At first we didn't seem so afraid until he told us that when we get there, they would separate my sister and I and send us to different families.

We were devastated upon hearing that. We cried and begged for forgiveness and told him we didn't want to be separated. He left and didn't say anything. That evening he returned and told his wife and kids what we told him.

They beat us until I became unconscious.

Next thing I realized when I opened my eyes was that, I was in a hospital. There was a nurse next to me. When she saw that I was awake, she spoke gently to me and told me to stay calm while she go and gets the doctor. A few minutes later, the doctor came in. He was very nice too. He told me I had been out for a week and that my uncle and aunt were so worried about me.

Immediately I heard the words 'uncle and aunt', I was faced with reality once more. I felt my head was about to explode. All of my memories came rushing in all at once and it was too much for me to handle. From the fear I had of them, to my sister not being by my side, to the thoughts of going back home, everything became so overwhelming and I began to cry.

The doctor administered something to me and I fell asleep again. When I woke up, he was right there. He told me everything's fine and that I'm safe. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. He had his hand on mine and he ran his hand through my hair the way my dad did at bedtime." Dylan smiled and looked up to the sky. Trying to take it all in.

Caren remained silent. Her expression was stern. Almost as if she was visualizing everything happening before her as he narrated the story.

"The doctor told me to confide in him and tell him the last thing I remembered before falling into a deep sleep. I told him everything. I didn't leave any single detail out. I begged him to let my sister and I, stay with him in the hospital because I didn't want to go back home.

He looked at me with a sincere smile on his face and he said 'I promise you, it's all going to be okay'.

A week later, it was time for me to leave the hospital. The doctor has already explained to me prior to that moment, that some gentlemen will come to take me to a place where I'll be safe. And that my sister will be there waiting for me. To me, that was goodbye. I never knew I'd see the doctor again.

My sister and I stayed in one room at the Child's Service Centre. We were a lot happier that we were back at home and we made new friends too. 3 weeks later we appeared in court and the doctor was there. All this time, he had been working on our behalf to find us a good home so that my sister and I, wouldn't get separated. He talked to his old time friends who were looking to adopt, about us, and they didn't think twice about it.

That was how my sister and I found love and peace in our lives once again. Suddenly, it was as if all the hard times we had never happened. My adoptive father and mother took care of us like their own. They sent us to the best schools in the city and eventually introduced us into the business world. Everything my sister and I are today, is because of them."

"Wow! I'm so glad it ended well for you guys. Not too many people out there are lucky enough to have a happy ending to their story, like you and your sister. You're blessed." Caren smiled.

"Well, look at that! We came here to discuss what happened to you during your vacation and ended up discussing me. How did you do that?" He laughed.

"A woman has a lot of powers Dylan. The sooner you know, the better." She chuckled.

"Oh, that I believe. Plus I knew you didn't want to talk about it."

"How did you know that now?" She arched her brow.

"Because you kept on dodging all my questions about your trip." He smiled.

"Well... Yeah I guess. It was such a beautiful evening. Didn't want to ruin it by remembering what happened."

"Well that's okay. I hope I didn't ruin yours by bringing up my past though. I kinda lost control there. I never really told anyone my whole story. So weird!" He chuckled.

"Hey, I appreciate that you told me. It has taught me to look on the bright side of life when things aren't going so well. So thank you for sharing that."

"Thank you for listening." He touched her nose. "Anyway here's an idea. How about I book you a room at the resort tonight, and then, you can get a free massage tomorrow, that way, you'll ease up on some of the stress you encountered on your trip."

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. I feel better already." She smiled.

"I insist!"

"Uhm, are you sure? This place looks really expensive." She said as she turned and looked around.

"Don't worry about that. My friend runs this place and he gives me a pretty good discount. Trust me, you don't need to worry about anything. I'll be back tomorrow by 11 AM to pick you up. Good?"

"Wow! I don't even know what to say. This is the best day I've had in a long time. Thank you."

"Anything for you! Come on let's go get you a room."


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