3: A Little Chit-Chat

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"Since the products are in order, let me have the estimate and budget needed for the marketing campaign on my desk, first thing tomorrow morning."

"Yes Ma'am!" The Marketing Manager replied.

"And please, on your way out, tell the Auditor to send in those reports to my office now because I need to have them analyzed before Wednesday."

"Will do that immediately." The Marketing Manager nodded and left Caren's office.

"Knock, knock!"

"Any more complains?" Caren asked without taking her eyes off the documents on her desk.

"You're too perfect for me to complain about anything."

"Huh?" She looked up. "Oh Calvin!" She laughed. "I thought you were someone else."

"That's okay. How was your weekend?"

"Terrible! Don't want to talk about it." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I already know!" He nodded. "I'm really sorry for what happened."

"Dear Lord! Halle told you right?"

"Yes she did. It's better that you found out what his priorities were before you got in too deep."

"I guess! Thank you for the kind words and all but I'm really just trying to forget the whole thing." She smiled.

"That's okay. Just know that I'm here if you need to talk about anything." He smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind." She replied.

"Well, I hope you're excited for the End of The Year's party." He chuckled.

"More than excited! I've been so stressed that I can't wait to go somewhere nice and cool off." She shook her head.

"Do you have anywhere in mind?"

"Yes! Halle and I will be visiting her grandparents in Nevada."

"Sounds like a plan."

"How about you? Where would you like to spend your vacation?"

"No idea yet, but I'll definitely think of something soon."

"Great! By the way, you look really good today. What's the secret?" She smiled as she stole glances at every part of his body.

She always knew Calvin was a very handsome man, but only now, did she start to appreciate his features. He was tall and had a nice, toned body. He had a nicely cut, dark brown hair bouncing off the top of his forehead and his eyes were the colour of the deep blue sea. His perfectly lined brows were dark which played a contrast against his very light skin tone. His face was very well defined and his pink lips always wore a beautiful smile.

Apart from all these, he was well dressed at all times and had the soothing smell of his cologne surrounding him always. Caren felt herself blushing.

"Caren? Hello?"

"Yes, I'm with you." She sat up on her seat.

"Are you okay? You seem lost for a second." He asked seemingly concerned.

"Apologies. This job makes me forget myself sometimes." She giggled.

"You've got to take things one step at a time. Yes, I want you to put in your best into this company, but at the same time, the last thing I would want is for anyone to forget their mental health and lose theirself in the process."

"Now that's a great CEO!" She nodded as he smiled.

"Thanks for the wonderful compliment you just gave to me. Now my head is 5 times bigger." He chuckled.

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