39: The Mock Review

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Wednesday arrived... Caren had successfully kept all that happened to her during the weekend, a secret. The only part she failed at, was forgetting some of the details, like her getting arrested for the second time in her life. While the time she spent with Dylan gave her an effervescent feeling each time she remembered their night together, the events succeeding that precious moment slowly drove her into a river of depression.

Regardless of all that has happened, it was a brand new day with lots of great opportunities to look forward to. It was a day to set new goals and reach new heights.

Caren washed her hands and paused for a second. She started at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. In 1 hour, she's supposed to head to the conference room and give a mock presentation on the part of the company's new project she's been working on.

"What's wrong with me?" She asked her reflection in the mirror.

She remained silent as if waiting for a reply.

"Nothing is wrong with you!"

"Huh?" Caren sprang away from the mirror and shook her head.

"Sorry! It's just me." She heard the sound of the flush and saw a colleague emerging from one of the bathroom stalls.

"Oh, I thought I was by myself." Caren chuckled.

"That usually happens when you're thoughts are clouded. Is everything okay?" The lady asked.

"Everything's perfect! And thank you for asking. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome!" The lady replied.

"See you around!" Caren smiled and left.


An hour later, Caren walked into the conference room with her laptop in her hand. The first person she saw was Halle.

"Hey Girl, ready for the presentation? Can't wait to see what you'll show us." She smiled.

"Maybe you should worry about your own presentation, Halle!"

"Wow, pretty sour today. You okay?" Halle asked.

"I am!" She forced a smile.

"Were you able to find out anything about the video? You told me Olivia's cousin said he would give you a call."

Caren paused. There's no way she was going to tell Halle the whole story and risk having the entire city learn about it before midnight. "Uhm, he called to inform us that he was traveling. Not sure when he would come back."

"Aw, that sucks! Olivia and her cousin are probably taking you on a roller coaster ride. If I were you I would just forget about it and move on."

"Yes, I should probably do that." Halle smiled.

"Good morning, everyone! I apologize for being a little late." Calvin said as he walked in and took a seat at the head of the table. "I guess we can start the presentations if everyone is ready. Who's first?"

For the next 30 minutes, each employee took turns making their presentations. Some of them were applauded for their hard work while others were criticized and instructed to make a few changes before Friday.

Caren's turn came around and she confidently walked to the front of the room and connected her laptop to the projector.

"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Caren Cohen and I'm standing here today, to talk to you about something you might find pretty fascinating. But before I begin, let me ask you a couple of questions.

1) What are your thoughts about the future?
2) Where do you see yourself in the future?
3) How do you intend to cope with the inevitable changes that come with time?

Before answering these questions, it would be best to consider the fact that, the world is moving on a fast pace and technology is taking over quickly.

Everything is changing from their natural state and moving to an artificial phase and believe it or not, all of that is taking a toll on our physical being. The more new and efficient things are being introduced, the more we are fading out and getting replaced.

This is the reason why we have to stand up and fight for a spot in the future. But there's no way for that to happen if we lack the strength to compete.

This is why our product is here to help us feel at our best every single day. Easy to use and fast to deliver results. A few drops into your warm bath water will not only have you feeling refreshed and energized, but will also provide your body with all the vitamins it requires for an active lifestyle.

Don't doubt it, just try it and see the wonders for yourself. You'll thank us later! Cheers to a strong and healthy life. Thank you!" She curtsied.

"Wow! That was an amazing presentation, Caren. And that video of the lady transforming from a weak person to a much stronger and energized person is exactly the image we need to convey the message. You did an amazing job I must say. Well done!" Calvin applauded and everyone else joined in.


"Wow Girl, you really outdid yourself back there. That was amazing!" Jade said as they came out of the conference room.

"Well, everything I do is for the best of this company so I guess I'm happy everyone thought it was a great presentation." Caren smiled.

"Imagine if you had your own company! With that brain of yours, you'll take it to greater heights everyday."

"Aw Jade, that's really sweet. I just love and appreciate it when women recognize the efforts of other women and praise them for it. I think you're an amazing, smart and beautiful woman and I'm 100 percent sure, a greater position is waiting for you in this company."

"Thank you so much, Caren. You're the best boss for sure." She smiled.

"And I must say that you are the best assistant ever. Even though I never had one to compare, I don't regret sharing my office with you. Yes, I was a bit pissed off when Calvin surprised me with the whole set-up. But right now, I'm totally enjoying having you work with me. I feel so much more relieved knowing I have someone as competent as you are, working for me."

"Aw! Thanks Caren. You know what?"


"We should totally hang out on Friday to celebrate all the hard work we've put in, this week, for this project to be a success. What do you say?"

"I say a big yes to that!" They both laughed as they entered their office.


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