44: A Startling Discovery

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Caren woke up to the sound of her phone ringing early on Saturday. She got up and took a look at the caller, it was Olivia.

"Hey Girl, I've been so worried about you. How did it go yesterday?" She asked inquisitively.

"It went pretty well actually. She took responsibility for all that happened and I told her everything that was on my mind."

"Will you be taking any legal action against her?" Olivia asked.

"I thought about it but I decided not to. All that she did was help realize that my ex wasn't the man for me. I'm in love with someone else and I have her to thank for it." Caren giggled.

"I'm happy that you're happy again Dear. We can finally put all of this behind us."

"Not just yet! There's something Jake has to know."

"What's that?" Olivia asked.

"Well, just as he helped solve my mystery, I'm about to help him with his." Caren smiled.

"Girl, can you stop beating around the bush and tell me what's going on?"

"I will! Let's meet up at Jake's today. I have a little something for him."

"Getting tired of the suspense people!" Olivia sighed. "Anyway, I'll let him know what you said. See you soon then."

"See you soon!" Caren hung up.


Caren and Olivia arrived at Jake's home and he welcomed them in as usual.

"I'm not even going to ask you about yesterday," Jake chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you tore Halle's hair out."

"I thought about it but changed my mind seeing it wasn't worth my energy." She winked.

"I like that! She really isn't worth it." Anyway, Olivia said you have something for me. Now I'm worried because I'm not sure what to expect." He chuckled.

"Oh, what you're about to hear is pretty disturbing so it's best you remain calm." Caren brought out her phone from her bag.

"I can't handle the suspense anymore." Olivia cried out.

"I'll let you in on it but just a backstory first. Yesterday while I was on my way to Halle's house, I decided that I was going to record our conversation so that it can serve as an evidence if I decide to pursue the case in court. Anyway, I forgot my phone when I left and had to go back for it. I played the recording last night and what I heard at the end almost blew my mind."

"What did you hear?" Olivia's eyes grew wider.

"My recorder caught a phone conversation between Halle and a man after I left. Luckily for us, she kept the call on speakerphone. I'll let you guys hear things for yourselves." Caren dropped her phone on the table and pressed play.

The phone conversation went as follows:

"Hello?" The man answered.

"You Idiot! I gave you one simple task, just one, and yet you couldn't do it!" Halle yelled.

"What are you talking about, Halle?" The man asked.

"Why did you lie to me that you found and destroyed the flash drive, huh?"

"I didn't lie to you! We found the flash drive and we destroyed it." The man replied.

"Liar!" Halle screamed. "The person I was trying to hide the flash drive from just told me that she saw it and watched its content. How dare you lie to me after all the money I gave to you?"

"Enough of this, Halle!" The man yelled angrily. "My boy and I followed the exact instructions you gave."

"Well, the instructions I gave clearly did not include you, doing a horrible job for me! You spent a whole freaking week there and ended up doing nothing. A snail could have done a better job!" She yelled.

"It'll be in your best interest not to talk to me in a disrespectful manner Halle. You should be thanking us for helping you carry out your dirty deed. Do you know how long it took us to find that house using the little information you gave us? Coupled with the fact that we spent all that valuable time staying there in order to monitor the workers until they finished."

"What a flimsy excuse! What stopped you from going at night when no one was there?" Halle snapped.

"Because some people were also working at night. You specifically asked us to go when there was no one in the house. We got to work immediately after the owner left the house. Luckily for us, we found a window that was open, and to our surprise, that was the same room leading to the basement. We flipped everything in there upside down until we found that flash drive. I even wanted to give it to you but you asked me to destroy it as soon as I left the house, isn't that correct?"

"You most likely destroyed the wrong flash drive, you Buffoon!"

"Not my fault! Next time, give a better description of the things you're looking for."

"There will be no next time because I'll never hire incompetent fools like you anymore. You guys had better get ready to pay me back all the ----" She paused for a second... "Ugh, there's someone at the door! This isn't over!" She hung up.

"Oh my God, that girl didn't! I swear I'll knock the hell out of her when I see her!" Jake jumped off the couch. "Those Idiots took the flash drive containing all the music I produced when I first started my career as a DJ! No wonder I couldn't find it anywhere. I've been searching for it for days now. Ugh, Halle, damn you!"

"Oh no!" Caren gasped.

"I can't believe she would go this far! That girl has really bitten more than she can chew." Olivia said angrily.

"Jake, is there anyway you can recover those songs back?" Caren asked.

"Some of them I may be able to recover. The rest are no longer in their original form. I swear Halle's going to pay for this! Give me a second, I'm going to get ready!"

"Where are we going?" Olivia asked.

"We're going to the police station to file a report! I'll make sure Halle pays for what she's done." He ran up the stairs to his room.

"So Caren, are you sure you still don't want to take any legal action against Halle? Don't take pity on her now, she deserves it." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"I know she does! But I've decided to let it go. Besides, it all worked out in my favour, if you look at it from my point of view." She smiled. "Plus it made me find you again, so it was totally worth it."

"Aw, you're sweet! I'm so glad we're friends again. We'll pay a special visit to Halle when she's in jail to thank her for unknowingly reuniting us." The girls both laughed in unison.


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