21: To Keep Or To Lose

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"Here's how that video came about." Caren took a sip of her coffee. She knew she had to tell him the entire story if not he wouldn't understand. After all, It was better to lose him by the truth than to keep him over a lie.

"I'm all ears." Dylan replied.

"Okay so about 5 years ago, I did something pretty crazy. My friend Halle, the same lady that was with Calvin at the party, had been trying to get me to attend these parties with her and frankly, it wasn't really my thing so I never went to any of them. One time, she became really upset over the fact that I turned down her invitation once more, so rather than us having a fall out over such a small issue, I agreed to attend."

"Yeah, I pretty much would have done the same thing." He nodded.

"Yeah! So anyway, we get to Halle's friend's cousin's house that night, and everyone was pretty nice and chill. Plus there was this rule that operating of phones while the part was in session was prohibited so everyone had to keep their cells in a basket." She took another sip of her coffee.


"That made me feel super comfortable. Not sure why but I just felt more relaxed. Anyway, everyone's drinking and having a lot of fun and then they set up a couple of keg stands as far as I can remember, and they challenged some people to start a competition. I was among them." She shook her head.

"Oh dear!" Dylan smiled.

"I went for it and surprisingly... Like surprisingly... I won! That made me super excited and I ripped off all my clothes and started running around completely naked." She covered her face with her hands.

"Wow! That was really something." He chuckled.

"Now you see, that incident would have been long forgotten and I would have gone on existing like it never happened. Little did I know, I was being filmed the whole time."

"But there was a rule against using phones!" He frowned.

"Someone broke the rule. I didn't even know about this until last year. My boyfriend invited me for dinner on our 2 year anniversary and honestly I was pretty excited because I thought he was going to pop the question. Instead, he showed me the video and accused me of being reckless. He broke up with me right there and then. He said there's no way we would end up together after the release of that video because it would tarnish his image and destroy his political career."

"Wow! How did he find out the video?"

"He said his cousin found it as a file on his phone and didn't even know how it got there. So strange!"

"It's really strange. Did you try finding the person who filmed you?" He asked seemingly concerned.

"I didn't! Halle said there's no way anyone would remember who took the video since everyone was pretty drunk. There were a lot of people there too so who am I gonna ask?" She shrugged.

"Did you know anybody at the party?"

"Yes! Just one person."

"Did you try contacting him or her?" Dylan asked.

"I lost her number. I tried to get it from Halle but she said she didn't have it as well."

"If you have some basic information about this girl like her full name, age and last known address, we may be able to find her."

"Really? That would be awesome... But what's the use? She probably doesn't know either."

"But what if she does? You can never tell. This is actually a serious problem you know. The person who took the video did not only use it to sabotage your former relationship but also, who knows what this sick person is doing with it? For all we know, they could be sharing it online and making a lot of money from it, all at your expense. Now if for instance, you were the one who made video and put it out there by yourself, that'll be totally fine and I wouldn't even care because no one has the right to tell you what to do with your body or your life. But in this case, someone else is in total control of your image and it looks like they are out to get you. You cannot let them get away with this."

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