31: A Little, Too Much

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On Sunday, Caren woke up feeling excited for the day. She knew the happiness she felt had to do with the conversation she had with Olivia and her cousin Jake, the previous day. She was one step closer to putting an end to her misery and it felt really good.

But amidst trying to put in, her best at work while maintaining her sanity and trying to figure out the person working behind the scenes to ruin her life, she realized she's completely forgotten what the true meaning of self care is.

She scrolled through the new messages on her phone. Most were work-related and the rest were unimportant emails and system notifications.

She jumped out from her bed and walked to the mirror. She noticed a few breakouts on her face and sighed. She knew that was the sign that she needed to slow down and pay more attention to her physical and mental health.

She walked into the bathroom and plugged the bathtub's drain, then proceeded to open the tap and let the water run.

While the water filled the tub, she brushed her teeth and applied a face mask, after which she reached for a bath bomb from a container in the cabinet and dropped it into the water.

When the water had reached the desired level, she turned off the tap and removed her nightwear. She stepped into the tub and the water immediately sent its warmth spiraling through her legs all the way to the top of her body.

"Oh, this feels really good." She moaned. "I should do this more often."

20 minutes later, Caren rinsed her body and got out of the tub feeling refreshed and energized. She dried herself with a towel and was about to put on her robe when a knock came on her door.

"Are you kidding me right now? Can't get a moment of peace and quiet!" She sighed. "Just a second!" She yelled as she rushed to the door and looked through the peephole.

"Halle, what a surprise!" She screamed as she opened the door.

"What have you been doing Girl? Been standing out here since forever." She chuckled and gave Caren a hug.

"Just got out of the shower. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back!"

"Waiting!" Halle said as she sunk into the couch.

Caren went into her bedroom and threw on a pink t-shirt above a pair of grey shorts and returned to the living room.

"What can I offer you, Dear?"

"Oh please Girl, quit being so formal. If I want something, I know my way around." She winked.

"That's the issue." Caren chuckled. "I'm yet to fill my fridge up. If I knew you were coming, I would have gone food shopping yesterday."

"Oh so now I need to inform you before I come visiting?"

"Oh not at all!" Caren sat down next to her. "You know this is your home too. All I meant was..." She paused for a second, "you know what, just forget it." She smiled. "So tell me, how have you been and how's your weekend going?"

"So far so good! Was bored stiff at home. Didn't know where else to go. How about you? Any plans for today?"

"Not really! I thought about hanging out with Dylan tonight but I'm a little tired. I'll call him some other time."

"Ooh Dylan, huh? Tell me, what's been going on between the both of you lately? Feel me in."

"Absolutely nothing. I haven't even seen him in a while now."

"Uh oh! What's going on?"

"Nothing at all. Just been very busy with work and life. That's pretty much. Anyway enough about me! What's going on with you? Any new dates?"

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