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It is 8:30 in the evening, and here I am locking my room, to go and eat dinner. I am so not in the  mood to go and show a fake smile but I have to, no option. Also,  I will try to avoid Shayni, I won't be able to talk right now. I am just fed up with her,the way she is behaving from few days. I am not interested in what she thinks I am. I am happy the way my life is, actually hell a lot happy. 

I reached the dining area and saw mum,dad,Darshan,Rajender Uncle eating together. They all looked at me, calling me and I just smiled. I went to there table and sat on dad's armrest.

UNCLE: Where were you?

I: I was sleeping uncle, hell tired.

DARSHAN: Sleepy head.

I: Shut up, dumboooooo
I said showing him tongue.

DAD: Have something?
I looked at his plate, which was full of junk food and I guess Darshan noticed my expressions.

I: I cannot have all this, dad.

UNCLE: Take the things you like .

I: I am not that hungry uncle, that I can take a full plate.

DARSHAN: share with me,just like you used to do in school.
I gave him 'what' look and I nodded my head negatively mouthing 'No'.

I: My favorite cook used to make your lunch after all.
I said moving towards his seat.

DARSHAN: Aunty see!

I: What? I speak facts.
I said sitting.

DARSHAN: Leave something for me too.
He said moving the place in centre of both of us.

I: Let's seeeeeee.
I said stuffing a bite of salad.

DARSHAN: How's it??

I: This is very yummy,yummy,yummy,yummy
(In justin bieber's way)

DARSHAN: Thanks.
He said rubbing his neck.

I: You made it?

and everyone laughed.


I: Hi, Nirmaaaann. Why are you calling me??


I: aree arent you here? In the dining area?

NIRMAAN: No, I wanted to have ice cream, will you join? I was thinking to place order from Naturals.

I:ohhhhh, I love that.
And Darshan asked me 'what' but i mouthed 'wait'.

NIRMAAN: Which one then?

But Darshan took the phone and hung it.

I: What the hell?

DARSHAN: First, tell me what you love and what is going on?

I: He was ordering ice cream from Naturals and I love that.

DARSHAN: Tell me 

I: What will you do?Give me my phone, I want to tell him my favorite flavor.

DARSHAN: Wait, get up

I: What?

He took my hand and helped me get up.

DARSHAN: We' ll be right back.

And we left the area, with him still holding my hand.We went to the parking and he took out the car.

Boon or Curse (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now