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Flight will land in another 5 minutes

We'll be reaching Paris in another 5 minutes. Today is 25th November, 5 days after the day I asked Rohit for help. He decided a plan that he'll look on that matter in India, whereas I came with Darshan,Hardil  and Koyal to Paris. Hardil  wanted to propose Koyal in Paris, and convinced us both to join. It's like we two are third wheeling. eheh jk!


I was the one who planned this Paris trip, since not only Hardil but I too wanna express my love to Aditi. I no longer can fight with myself and be afraid thinking about, what if she doesn't love me. This vacation will be for us, not anyone else. I want her to feel special, which she made me feel right from the first day of our wedding, but I always failed in making her feel special. Only Hardil knows about my plan, so we mutually decided that tonight I'll propose Aditi and then Hardil will propose koyal. Aditi thinks that she knows everything which will happen but NO. Both of the girls know it partially. 

ADITI: What are you thinking Darsh?

I: Huh? Nothing. I am just thinking about the surprise.

ADITI: Koyal will be so happy, no?

I nodded and she smiled. Flight landed and we four went to our hotel, where we had breakfast.

ADITI: So, what are the plans for today, We are in PAris.

KOYAL: Yesss

I: Aaj ke liye you girls rest, we've booked a spa session for you and tomorrow we will explore. We have a whole week with us

ADITI: But we didn't came here to rest na

HARDIL: But you two look so tired, look at your faces.

KOYAL: We look tired?

Me and Hardil nodded.

ADITI:Why don't you say directly that you don't wanna tour with us, since you saw beautiful girls the time you landed here.

I tried to hold her hand, which was resting on the armrest, but she removed it.

I; There is nothing like that .

ADITI: Oh just shut up, i saw you gawking at the girls when we were finding luggage. All menare same, I just I just hate yaaaaa Darshan Raval

She stood, threw a tissue on me and left the dining area. 

KOYAL: Why you both came with us, if you wanted that only?

She too stood up and left. Hardil and I stared at each other.

HARDIL:  We are planning to surprise them and they are.

I:let's go and get rings for them.

HARDIL: You too are planning to gift her a ring?

I: I never gave her a proper ring, today is the day.

I said smiling wide.

I: haan we have to decide a place in front of the Eiffel and look for dhruwal-dushyant too

Hardil nodded and we went to arrange everything for the proposal, Meanwhile, the hotel staff told me about the girls, they went to the spa.

ATTENDANT: Sir, is this ring final?

I: Yes, she'll love it, I asked my mother-in-law too. Pack this one.

ATTENDANT: What about you sir?

HARDIL: Yes, this one for me. When I asked her which kind of proposal ring she'll like from her partner, so she said that she wants his initial in the ring.

ATTENDANT: You two wait,I'll go and get your rings ready.

She went with the rings and we stood there, talking to a organizer.


How dare they treat us like that, saare ek jaise hi hote hai. Anyways, I don't care, We both are having great time in this spa session. Currently, my manicure is being done and I decided to ask Rohit about the status, so I called him.


ROHIT: Hello partner

I: Hi sir

ROHIT: So, are you ready for the launch?

I: Super super ready. 

ROHIT: Tell me how are you?

I: I should be the one asking this, since, you are there, helping me despite of knowing how hectic everything is.

ROHIT: Team is handling everything.

I: Yayyy

ROHIT: bye!

I: Take care. bye.

I am so excited, finally my dream is coming true.

KOYAL: How much excited?

I: very much

I nodded, smiling.

KOYAL: Don't stress and enjoy. 

I nodded. 

Anyways, 'Every story has a good ending"


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