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 I remembered the date today. It was 17 October, 3:30 a.m. I looked at Darshan and he was asleep. Shit! How can you forget this Aditi, it's his birthday tomorrow, 18th October and you haven't planned anything. 

I took out my phone and wrote about the plan, I had in my mind. 

We reached home at some 6:30 a..m. .

I: Ah! Finally back home

DARSHAN: Finally, I came to true home

DARSHAN: You with me , in our house

The innocence in his eyes, while saying this, was just enough for me, to live.

DARSHAN: Going to the studio.

I nodded.

While he was in the studio, I made black coffee and called Hardil 

HARDIL: Good morning

HARDIL: You both fought again?

I: Shut up! It's his birthday tomorrow, we have to plan. Actually, I have planned, I just need your help in execution.


I explained the plan to him, and he loved it. 

I went and kept the coffee on his studio's table, as he was busy in recording.

It was some 5;30 p.m., when I was watching 'Keeping up with Kardashians', he came and sat with me. Out of nowhere, he started tickling me, I resisted but then stood up, boiled with anger.

I: , why don't you  get, that I don't like, you touching me!

I said and he grew sad.

DARSHAN; WHat the hell do you mean with that. Am I cheap?

I: Oh yes you are. I AM DONE

I said and he left the house


I grabbed my car keys and left the house. 

I: How could she even say that? She was the one who kissed me day before yesterday and like proper kiss, but today she is saying this. What's up with all her mood swings, God?

I was driving, when phone rang.

I; Hello

NAUSHAD: Where are you?

NAUSHAD : There's a new project and I want to discuss it ?

I; I'll meet you in the office.

NAUSHAD : Okay Okay, 

I drove to the office, and met the whole band.Everyone was asked to leave their phone outside the room. We discussed, about the project and it was almost 11 p.m. 

NAUSHAD BHAIl: Okay done then, bye everyone see you all tomorrow.

Everyone bid goodbye and I just smiled. After whatever happened, I didn't wanted to look at Aditi, but I have no other option.Luckily, when I was about to drive, Lijo came running.

LIJO: I'll accompany you.

I: But?


I was kinda satisfied,  we both will behave normal in front of him.

I: I forgot my phone I guess

LIJO: I have it with me.

He laughed and we reached home.

I rang the bell, but none opened, a fear took place inside my heart. What is she again? But before I could think any further, gate opened and it was dark inside the house. I entered and got scared as a party popper burst and the lights turned ON.

Boon or Curse (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now