Chapter Twenty-Nine, Exposé pt4

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Daveed: Emmy, come on, why are you being so defensive about this?

Emmy: why, because I don't know whAt you're talking about

Daveed and Emmy went back and forth, Emmy denying everything that Daveed was talking about as she kept sipping away at her glass of orange juice, their bickering went back and forth for an hour, eventually exhausted they fell onto the couch next to each other.

Daveed: please just tell me who this guy is I'm not going to get mad

Emmy: Daveed is nothing just literally just some failed relationship that what you're saying was his fault that it didn't last

Jasmine POV- when I and Daveed got home we sat down after closing all the blinds and started talking trying our hardest to pass the time as from what we could hear more people coming to our lawn, what was going on was out of control and the police can only do so much. I don't particularly want to press charges but I'm kind of on the verge of saying l.ock all of them up for trespassing.

Daveed: um so..., who is that Tim guy you were talking about earlier

He said as he stood in the kitchen eating a sandwich he made for himself, I sighed and looked down for a second, for some reason I just blurted that out at the cafe no one but me, Roxanne, and Emmy had known about any of that.

Jasmine: Emmy didn't want you guys to know so she only told me and her manager, Tim was her ex before Daveed and her got together. He cheated on her like 2 days before hamilton was supposed to start its run at the theater because he thought since Emmy and Daveed hung out a lot she was cheating. She found out and so did he that shed done nothing, they were supposed to get married but he just stopped talking to him.

Daveed: damn, but why would he do this?

Jasmine: I don't know Daveed we've gone through the idea of jealousy, that could be the reason why but I can't think of anything else why he might do this or it could be a completely different person.

Daveed: I guess we just have to wait

The days went on and the crowds of people stopped coming to their houses losing interest, TMZ, BuzzFeed, and all these other celebrity news platforms stopped showing up as well. The hype died down and eventually, nobody spoke anything of it, occasionally the news would revisit it only for a short segment as filler, and honestly, they were happy that the publicity it died down can finally fix just be left alone.

Daveed: see like I said all of this would just blow over

Jasmine: Daveed yesterday over the phone you told me you were gonna go outside and put on a whole show for them to leave you alone

Daveed: aye!

Emmy: Well let's just be happy that no one is showing up[ to our house and we can go somewhere without worrying someones gonna break in and steal our stuff

Daveed: oh and at some point, I went to go get ice cream and someone yelled that they'd break in and steal our underwear

Daveed: kay....

They all sat around sharing laughs and stories of things that happened over the week until there was a knock at the door everyone went silent and stared at each other. It was getting pretty late in the day so who wasted their door?

Emmy: I'll get it

She got up and went over to the front door opening the doors as she stood there for a second. Everybody looked at her wondering who was there. She didn't say anything, he stepped out of the door closing it behind her, and everybody looked confused. They said they're wondering for a good 5 seconds before Daveed suggested that one of them go look out the window.

Jasmine: you go!

Daveed: okay

Daveed got up and went over to the front window trying his hardest to get a glimpse of what was going on over by the front door, there was a massive bush in his way which made it hard for him to see anything but from what he could see it was a guy she was talking to.

Daveed: some small linky dude?

Daveed: that's Tim

Jasmine: She told you?

Daveed: yeah but why is he here

Emmys POV- I stepped outside with time closing the door to hide the sound of our conversation, it was time someone I never thought I'd see standing at my doorstep ever again. I stepped out of the house asking him what he wanted just to get a response of "I'm sorry will you take me back?".

Emy: what! No, it's been years!

Tim: Why did that matter! I and you a broadway star and my broadway tours could make so much money

Emmy: Tim this is another reason why I won't even consider the idea, you're just gonna use me as a way to get more money out of people, the second reason is you leaked my and my friend's addresses!

Tim: I needed to get your attention

Emmy: Well next time just call me and maybe I'll pick you up?!

We went back and forth fighting over whose idea was right should I be with him, or if I should be happy now with Daveed, Tim hated Daveed with everything in his being and I knew that he thought he was the reason I left him.

Emmy: Tim it's late and I'm tired after a week of people coming to my house and yelling shit at my front door, so please just leave. I'll call you and we can just talk okay?

Tim: no I know what I did was wrong but you have to see where I'm coming from the right, you were always away on tour and stuff some thought might have crossed your mind too?

Emmy: Well yeah they did but I never acted on them time, but I still didn't cheat

Tim: ugh why are you so hard!

Emmy: because of you, asshole!

I yelled at him before going back inside leaning against the door not ready to go back and to everyone, honestly, Tim made my blood boil.

Daveed: Is everything okay?

Daveed yelled out to me I just simply replied with a simple yes sliding along the floor to the ground reaching up to lock the door, I sat there for a second taking in a few deep breaths of air.

Emmy: god I hate him

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