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Next day rolled on and Seonghwa started it by making delicious breakfast for his 2 favourite people. Soon the brothers come into view looking like a sleepy mess. Seonghwa eyed them, questioning, "Why do you both rush over? It's still early? Don't you both dress up before breakfast?" 
Both the brothers hummed while sitting down. "Hyung to be honest, my stomach growled from all these delicious smells and I can't wait to eat this heavenly breakfast," Jongho said.
"Don't worry we brush our teeth," added Hongjoon. 
Then the three dug in and the table was filled with small talks and laughing here and there.

It was the first day of work for Seonghwa. He was excited yet nervous. From the morning he was busy baking, making and decorating. After a lot of hard work, some funny interaction with Yunho and saving his cake and pastries from Mingi, he finally put the last piece in the display cabinet. He sighs in relief and turns to look at his mini boss.
To his surprise Hongjoong was staring at him with his cute baby smile. Again there was some malfunctioning in Seonghwa's heart. He felt a sudden heat rushing to his face and a funny feeling in his stomach. He blinks a few times to push away all this foreign effect but they don't bother to go instead the heat keeps on increasing as Hongjoong keeps coming close.
Hongjoong crouch down to Seonghwa and touch his forehead. "I think you overworked yourself. You're red. Are you feeling sick? Fever maybe?" He asked.
That moment Seonghwa lost it all, he was staring at his mini boss with his round clear eyes. Face flushed red and can't be any deeper shade. His heart was beating at an abnormal rate and his stomach was doing some funny dance.
Hongjoon snapped to bring him back to life. Seonghwa cleared his throat and stood up, Hongjoong following him.

"No, I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed with feeling. It's my first time here, don't know if customers will like my making" Seonghwa told him, which wasn't a full lie.
He was nervous after all but he was more nervous talking to his mini boss, afraid he would hear his thumping heart.
Hongjoong smiled, "Don't worry. Everything will go well. You're good at what you do. Have confidence in yourself." 

Seonghwa doesn't know whether the words were more comforting or that smile or the fact that his mini boss told him those words or the fact that Hongjoong was trying to cheer him up. He can again feel the heat going up his face. He quickly nodded his head and smiled a bit rushing back in the kitchen but not before thanking his mini boss.
Seonghwa was cleaning his kitchen when he heard Mingi whining about something and Hongjoong glaring at him like any other Asian parents. He chuckled and wanted to join in the talk. As soon as he came into the view Mingi jumped on him making him lose balance resulting in both falling on ground. 
"Yahhhh! Mingi-ah, do you wanna kill him? Who is going to bake then?" Shouted Hongjoong throwing Mingi off Seonghwa and helping him stand up. He quickly checked for any injury but luckily both were fine. 
Yunho came to help Mingi after hearing them fall. 
Mingi was pouting and was only repeating," Hyung please. Just twice in a week. Please hyung. Okay okay once in a week. Please hyung. Don't say no. Please hyung. I beg you."

Seonghwa was confused, he was looking in between Mingi and his mini boss. He then looked up to Yunho to find some answer but to his finding, Yunho was eyeing the three with the same confused face.
Yunho then butt in, "Mingi, calm down and explain from the start what you want? Ok."
Hongjoong yelled, "Nothing is going to change even if you tell it to Yunho or even if Yunho beg me too."

Now Seonghwa was feeling out of place. He was confused and didn't know whether to butt in the matter or whether he held the right to say anything. He opened his mouth only to close it quickly. But hearing Mingi snuffles a little, his mother nature kicked in thinking Mingi was crying. He can't take it anymore and decides to take the matter in his hand cause nothing will come when their boss is as angry as angry birds.

"Alright alright. Calm down both of you," he said. He slowly made Mingi sit on the chair and kneel down in front of him, hold both of his hands and slowly ask, "So what's the matter?"

Mingi looked at Yunho standing near him looking down at him with a small smile. He then eyed Hongjoong who was looking at him with his hawk-like sight. That makes shiver run down his spine. He then looks down on his lap not uttering a single word.

Seonghwa was looking carefully and reading the atmosphere. He turned to Hongjoong and said,"Do you like scaring the kids? Just for once sit down and don't burn holes in him with your stare." Seonghwa's voice came out tough and powerful.
It holds the protective nature of a mother who was ready to scold whoever bullied her son. Hongjoong felt weak from the power. He quietly took the seat and sat down quietly. Yunho was now standing with his mouth open. It was the first time his boss had taken orders from anyone. He was astonished. Never in a million years has he seen his boss being so small and powerless in front of anyone.

Now being satisfied with Hongjoong, Seonghwa again turns to Mingi and asks him to explain the matter. 
Mingi started, "Seonghwa Hyung, you know I love your cooking. I fell in love with your cooking yesterday. It was love at first taste. And you know how much love matters right. For someone like me who fell in love for the first time. I can't let my love slip that easily right?" He eyed the three with his puppy eyes. 

"Yes… I don't fully understand what you wanna say but continue," Seonghwa told him. 

"So, I ask Hongjoong hyung if I can ask you to cook us lunch every day. But he was being meanie and ignored me. When I pester him he threatens to cut my bonus. But a bonus can't win against love. Love comes first and tummy too" he giggles. Then continue,"Then I again begged him but he is not allowing that. I can't survive like this. Hyung, please only once a week is good too but please hyung cook me lunch, please." 

Seonghwa eyed Hongjoong. Hongjoong signs, getting up, "I hire him for my cafe. I don't hire him to babysit you or for your greed. He is here to work not to feed you. Now go back and don't pester anyone." 
Mingi was sad and didn't move from his place. Yunho was a bit sad too, he too wanted to eat a Seonghwa meal everyday. It was addicting, he had magic in his hand. 
Seonghwa slowly stood up, "But I thought I'm making lunch for you all." He looked at Hongjoong with questioning and lost looks. 

"No Seonghwa, you're not. Don't spoil them, especially Mingi." 

"But why can't I? Oh, I see you don't like my cooking?" Seonghwa questioned.

"No, that's not true. I like your cooking. If I didn't why would I eat the breakfast" Hongjoong answer panicking that Seonghwa might misunderstood. 

Wrong move, very wrong one here.
Listening to Breakfast, both Mingi's and Yunho's ears pricked up. Seeing that Hongjoong bite his tongue instantly regretting all this.

Yunho started, "Wait a minute, Hyung. What? What breakfast? What is cooking? What are we missing? Spill the tea sis."

"Yeah! What breakfast? What tea? What what?" Mingi added.

Seonghwa is now eyeing in between team tall and team mini boss. And he clearly knows that the team mini boss has lost here. 

Hongjoong sighs, he doesn't wanna waste anymore time and he also doesn't wanna narrate the story now and he definitely is in no mood to answer their questions back. So he sighs again this time a loud and long one. 

"We'll discuss this matter afterwards. Ok, now you all go I'm making lunch for you. Come when it's time for break" Seonghwa saved him from any further breakdown. He looked at Seonghwa, smiled a bit and rushed back to work. Mingi and Yunho too nodd and rush back thinking of the heavenly lunch they will have soon.

But what they didn't notice was the fluttering person they left behind. Seonghwa had a pink shade decorated on his cheeks and a shy smile which he too didn't know about. 

Hello beautiful people ❤️
It's me again, hope you like the chapter. Me and my overthinking ass is not coping well so I decided to distract myself by writing.
Remember to take care of yourself and love yourself.

Date: 23 October 2021

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