Ch 16

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For a while the cafe was engulfed with a painful silence, only small sobs were heard.
Hongjoong stand his emotions mixed, he was furious at the man wanting to rip him apart and he pity Seonghwa. He didn't deserve any of that insult, nor the pain he was feeling from those harsh words.
And when Mr. Park told his son that he shouldn't have been born, it triggered some forgotten memories. Those memories which Hongjoong never wanted to remember. He felt weak, he was frozen and his mind went blank only the voice of his mother telling them the same played like some broken record. And when he came back to his senses, everything went quiet, only some sobs were heard just like the first time he met Seonghwa.

Wooyoung was the first one to come out of daze, he went straight to a sobbing Seonghwa. Seeing the younger coming his way, Seonghwa broke the hug with San and threw himself at Wooyoung. Wooyoung caught the older and held him tight in his embrace, rubbing the circle on his back.

" Hyung, it's ok now. He's gone now. You are alright. He's gone," Wooyoung whispered, not trusting his voice.

Seeing his hyung cry and hurt like this, his heart ached and he was not sure if he could control his tears anymore.

This interaction made everyone come out of daze. Yunho held the hand of Mingi, rubbing his thumb to calm the other. Jongho walks to bring a glass of water for older. Wooyoung broke the hug, slowly and carefully pulling his hyung to sit again.
They all sit surrounding Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San hugging the older from both the sides, Yunho and Mingi near San, Jongho and Yeosang in front of the oldest. Hongjoong, who was worried sick, quietly joined now sitting near Wooyoung observing the oldest. 

"Hyung, you don't have to answer if you aren't comfortable but who was he? Was he really your father," Wooyoung asked in a cautious voice, he didn't want to hurt his hyung but he couldn't stop but asked. 
Seonghwa was a bit calm now and was occasionally sniffing, he nodded answering Wooyoung.

Wooyoung scoff, "How the hell can he be your father? You are so good, pure and kind. And the man, he was son of a bit-...." 

" Let's just say he is the opposite of Seonghwa. Ok," Hongjoong interrupted. 

"Maybe everything is my fault. I should have just listened to him. I'm really a bad son," Seonghwa uttered in a hoarse voice.

"NO, HYUNG. What are you even saying, silly. No, you're not bad. Don't blame yourself for whatever it was. You were not wrong," Wooyoung shouted, snuggling into older neck and playing with his soft locks.

Seonghwa chuckled, " Wooyoung you don't even know what happened. How can you say that I'm right?"

" I just know you are right. My hyung can't be wrong."

Seonghwa's eyes softened, " Maybe I'll tell you someday."

" Hyung, why not now?" This time Jongho asked. Seonghwa looked at Yunho who was staring right into his eyes, he then hung his head low.

" You all will hate me. You'll leave me, I don't want to lose you," he said, tears building in his eyes.

"Hyung, are you even hearing yourself? What do you mean we will leave you? No hyung, we won't. You are our family. We won't leave you, hyung," Yeosang said gently, taking Seonghwa's hand into his and stroking it. Seonghwa nodd, maybe this is the right time they deserve to know, he thought.

"Should I tell you from the start," Seonghwa asked, receiving nodd from all.
" I was born in the family of doctors, my grandfather was a doctor, my father is a doctor and so is my mother.
When I was born my father decided that I should be a doctor too and my training started from that onwards. I was trained to be an obedient son, I was just their puppet. They decided the time I should wake up, the time I should sleep, they also decided who I should be friends with. 
That's why I never had any friends, my parents don't like anyone. I was always alone in my room studying. They were never good to me, they never hear me out, they never show me love. They only give orders and if I don't obey I am punished. If I don't get top marks in class, I will be beaten. Once I was late, my father starved me for a day. He would always beat me if I did anything wrong. I was very afraid of them, so I did what they told me too.
On one summer break when I was 15, I was sent to my grandmother because she was sick and alone. She was a really kind and caring woman. She taught me everything, she taught me to love myself first. She taught me to live my own life and she makes me happy. She loves to cook and bake and she taught me that too. When I was with her, the happiness cooking and baking gave me was on another level. That's when I decided to go my way. I only dream of opening my own bakery or to work in a top restaurant…"

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