Get Away *C*

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I built up the courage to try and run. Ibuki grabs my arm, making me fall again. This time I'm giving it my all, I have to get away. I need to see if Chiaki was okay. We tackle each other trying to defeat the other. With heavenly luck, I was able to push Ibuki off of me. Only to push her at the edge of the roof as I didn't stay to watch dashing towards the exit.

"Woah, Why are you in such a hurry?" I ran into Akane and Sonia who were coming back to the rooftop. I didn't say anything, My tears won't stop and my feet weren't either. I grab Sonia's arm drag her with me leaving Akane running along with us. We reached the courtyard.

Blood. Chiaki's blood mixed with Ibuki's blood, A disgusting sight to see. Soon after our classmates were outside seeing the terrifying sight. I kneel over Chiaki's body, Her skin pale as snow draining the last bit of her. "I-I'm so sorry C-chiaki. I'm v-very sorry." My tears mix with blood gave off a awful sent.

Sirens came, Firefighters, Police, Medics. I was wrapped in a firefighter blanket sitting at the back of the ambulance. My mind runs in circles for my heartbeats become louder than any other sound. I was questioned by the detective. I spilled everything that happen up till this very moment. I stayed in the back of the ambulance not wanting anyone to see me. Chisa was with me. "Mom." I cuddle into her tightly as she broke into tears holding me.

I am pitiful, Shameful, Useless. For I thought I could keep everyone safe. If I had known this would happen I would've given myself up to Ibuki.


I raised my head up to a sad smile Chiaki. She was uninjured, She was safe and standing in front of me. I jumped into her arms making us fall in the concert with tears of full bliss and hope.

It's been two months now, Like Junko once said 'despair still continues as long as hope continues.' She was right. Despair is defecting hope. I held my files for my case in my hand, I just revived it in the mail.

Case 11037:


'L/N Y/N a resident at Hill's of Hope Apartments was robbed. Private things such a women's undergarments were stolen. No DNA was found, This seems to be a stalker(s). Another neighbor inferred within the robbing seeing a male but was hit behind by another. In conclusion, 3 people had been there.'


'L/N dorm at Hope's Peak was broken into as well as two other students. That night L/N was sexually harassed by another female she claims. Two other classmates found her in a storage room with another student's clothing. Several minutes later a body was found. Kuzuryu Natsumi, Dead in a classroom in the main crouse. Kuzuryu's brother claims that another student didn't like her and that the other student is to blame. Komaeda Nagito, Koizumi Mahiru is our 2 leads. Koizumi's room was searched as pictures of L/N's body from the night before, It was found in a little shrine of her with her stolen private things.'


'L/N apartment at Hill's of Hope apartments was broken into again. This time the complex was burned to the ground. Nothing was found, L/N stated her parents were killed in the apartment. The parent's media is up-to-date, It seems to be just fear which is a physical thing to happen.'


'Mioda Ibuki the stalker of L/N tries to attack again. This time L/N was able to save herself pushes Mioda off the roof. Mioda's body as well as Tsumiki Mikan dressed Namami Chaiki was also there. Mioda's dorm was searched as the police found out a hidden place under the school exist. Police searched the hidden base to find the real Namami chined and thankfully unharmed. Mioda knew that if her plan backfired that she'll use the real Namami as even more effective bait for L/N. Moda plans also involved with more helpers, But none was given a name. We call this a real-life yandere.

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