Acceptance of Her Love *B*

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I took her hand. My heart stops and fills with nothing but hatred for her. How was I to love someone who had done such awful things? My world is filled with sorrow, Sadness, and Desperation. Soon I heard voices screaming. My dead beating heart pumps with more blood within me.

"I promise you a life better than this. No cares the way I do." She whispers words that are empty to me. "Shh." Put a cloth over my nose. The last thing I saw was Ibuki smiling face before the world around me turn cold.

Days turn into weeks, Weeks turn into two months. Ibuki locks me away from the world. The world of corruption was made by Junko. The one who claimed to be my best friend, The one I denied that I enjoy her friendship. She helped Ibuki with everything just for her selfish need of despair. But still in the end I do value her as a friend though I will never admit it. I was still unaware if Chiaki was safe or okay.

I sit in the bath think of my past life. The life I missed. I switch on the bathroom television, It was the only way for me to see the outside world.

"Where could the Actress be now? Will anyone save her? Actress L/N Y/N has been missing for over 2 months now, Police are not able to let go of this case because of the leading events to Mioda Ibuki's disappearance. Where is Mioda Ibuki? A musician and an actress went missing at the same time. Is it a runaway love? Or was both being trouble in the by L/N's stalker? Who is the blame for the upcoming desp-"

The T.V cuts off by Ibuki who walks in in the bathroom. "The news is nothing but lies, They make things so dramatic." I nodded not sure what to say. When she's around I pretend to not know or remember anything, It's what she wanted, It's what she demand. "Would you like me to wash your hair?" Ibuki kneels down near the tub. I hummed a small 'mhm'. My hair was longer/shorter than before, My hair was dyed F/C now. I looked different, Even though I don't go out it was still needed for me to change who I was. Ibuki has short hair that is sliver with painted on freckles.

I was lost in my train of thoughts, Missing my family and friends. Missing the way how simple it was. Missing the life before Hope's Peak, It might've not been the best but I would rather be with my parents than Ibuki. "You smell nice." She lowers her head to my neck, "Thank you." I feel my hatred for her to rise. Ibuki giggles rising out of my hair.

I dressed in an unusual style for me to wear. I stare at myself in the mirror. It's like I was supposed to forget who I was. Every time I look at the mirror, I hear the agony of those who used to be around me. It's not just me there. My classmates, My lover, My parents, Ms.Yukizome stare right back at me; Hunting me forever for I cannot even force myself to forget about the old life of me.

Ibuki kisses my forehead before heading out the front door. She was the one who went out to the awful world, Where I'm the one who stays, Like the dog I am I obey. That's what I ever did so it wasn't new. Just stay and wait. Just stay and wait. I curled up in the bed ready for a nap. The door opens again. This time it was Junko and her servants of despair. Hajime and Nagito.

Hajime was no longer himself, He had long hair which is black, and more lifeless. Izuru is his name now, He has no interest in anything and Junko drags him along. Haji- Izuru holds a chained-up Nagito with a leash as if he was a wild animal. Nagito can't even bring himself to look me in the eye nor I can do the same. Every time I see this tiro I almost fall into tears. But I cannot show sympathy for anyone but Junko or Ibuki. Ibuki was okay with Junko being around me.

"N/N! My baby!" She jumps in the bed hugging me. Izuru gave me a small wave while Nagito looked away. "Hi, Junko! Your visit is becoming more often." I forced a smile. This place, My new life, Is isolated from the world which means living outside of the cities in Japan. So it was rather far from where everything, everyone was. "Look what I brought! Open it!" Taunting me from a couple of months ago the same pink box with a yellow heart. I knew what it was, But I'm to play dumb. "Y-you brought me a gift?! Junko, you're too nice to me!" I tightly hugged her hoping I wasn't to open the gift.

"Open it! I know you'll love because I'm you're best friend!" Junko claps her hand together cheering for me to open it. Quickly I lift the lid to see the same pink lolita dress with bright yellow shoes. "T-thank you. I don't know w-what to say..." I can feel the hot tears of terror run down my face. "Awe my poor N/N! I would get you anything you desire!" Junko wipes my tears away with a smile.

Eventually, Junko and her servants went away leaving me alone once again. I slid the pink box under the bed never wanting to see it again. I hid back under the blankets drifting away to a soundless sleep.

"My love." I woke up to whispers in my ear with arms around me. Ibuki had come back. "Did I wake you up? Sorry, You were just so nice to look at." She chuckles a bit. "I want to see how pretty you are if I do things to you." Ibuki me over while she leans on top of me.

Harshly tying our lips together, I allow her to taste me. I thought I would've done this with Chiaki. I wanted to vomit into Ibuki's mouth, Her love is distasteful and disgusting. I tried my best to focus on her as my mind keep thinking. "Y/N." Ibuki turns me by the chin making our eyes meet. I was scared of what I've done. With that fear I pull her down on me, Now I was kissing her. Maybe it's better for me to give in. I'm too tired anyway. I let everything out allowing Ibuki to dominate my body.

Will I truly accept this? I don't know, I don't care. It's all over now anyway. A new beginning starts with a bad ending for me and a good one for Ibuki.

  A new beginning starts with a bad ending for me and a good one for Ibuki

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*1153 words. Thanks so much for reading.* ~Xoxo Yandere Ibuki <3

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