Be Proud To Be You!

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Happy pride month to all my gays, Les, Bi, Nonbin,  ace, Demi, and many little babes. I just wanted to say be you and no one else! 

Who you love or choose to be is amazing, I love all of you bunnies. Being a part of LGBTQ+ or just supporting is not something trendy, It's something right! Don't let that old man Kevin or old lady Karen tell you that who you are and who you love is wrong. 

If Atua and God say it's right then IT'S RIGHT! 

"But aren't you Christian? " Yes bitch, God says he loves all and to love all, So let me choose who to love. 

"But in science you'll always be a boy/girl." No I'm not, God made a mistake and he is telling me right now that I'm a boy/girl or neither. 

"In the Bible it says that Adam and Eve were meant to be" I'm not Adam nor Eve, I'm me and that who I am. Adam and Eve choose to be together, Eve could've gone to Lily or anyone else because God says it's right.

"It's just a phase, Everyone feels that way." And being a bitch all the time is a phase too. No, I am who I am, It probably will change over time  but that will only shape me up to be better. 

God, Atua, And me loves who I am. I'm a Demi/Pan and proud to be. I'll never change for anyone only for me. It's right who I am and you too, No one was never a mistake. You and I came here for a purpose, We will fulfill in those task. 

If one thing that would get God and the Satan himself to agree on is that being  LGBTQ+ or just supporting is RIGHT!

*I write this so confident in I'm still in the closet :3* ~Xoxo Your local Demipansexual <3

*I write this so confident in I'm still in the closet :3* ~Xoxo Your local Demipansexual <3

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