Best Friend? C.4

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I quickly got up and grab a knife I kept in the bathroom. "Hello? (Y/N)?" The voice travels upstairs. "JUNKO?!" Dude what hell!" I ran down the steps, "You were about to die." I laughed. Enoshima Junko is a model I met 2 years ago. She hangs around me sometimes but I don't consider her as a friend, She's not the best person to be around. I'm not sure how she manges to do the things she does. She does these things to "Cause Despair". She begins to laugh, "If it's your wish to kill, do it now and make it quick." Her stormy blue eyes gives me a serious look. "Your a fucking psycho." I walked past her to get to my room.

After I got ready, I found Junko in the kitchen helping herself to whatever was there. "Why are you here?" I took a bite out of her snack, "I wanted to see my bestie, plus a package came in over there." She points to a light brown box that labels 'Hopes Peak Academy'. "I'm surprised we're not in the same class that sucks big time, I wanted to be with my best friend." She gave me puppy eyes, I guess she going to Hopes Peak too. It would be impossible to have class with her since she's a second year.

"I'm not your best friend, never have been, never will be." I explained while grabbing a can of Monster. "You sill drink that crap, How do people find that good?" She snatches it out of my hand pouring it in the sink. Annoyed, I walk away, "I like your twin sister better."

Only I knew she had a twin, they changed names so no one would know they were related. "As if, you love me very much! Would it cause you despair if I were to disappear one day?" Her gorgeous baby blue eyes wrapped itself on my gaze. I'm not her friend, still the fact that she'll get bored of me soon makes me feel lonely. "Ugh, what's with that despair shit? Stop that." I didn't give an honest answer. I sat down on the couch giving my legs a rest, Junko came and sat next to me. "I am your friend whether you like or not, I have a very serious question to ask." "Why couldn't you do this over the phone?" I closed my eyes, ignoring my question Junko began to talk.

"How about this one instead?" She held up a paper, She was showing me these werid looking teddy bears. This one was half white and pink, "Looks too girly I like the black one better." I pointed at the paper that had another bear on it, "Good! Her name is Monomi, She will be Monokuma."

A half an hour later Junko had to leave, It felt like she would never leave. It was getting late, I should get ready for bed soon. I wasn't going to do that. Instead I turned on the TV and started to watch 'Blood C' which is on recent anime I found. I noticed a small paper on the table top How didn't I noticed it before?I opened it to see a phone number and Ibuki's name. 'Let's facetime sometime Okay?' I thought I heard her voice while reading the note. I took my phone and dialed the number. "Hello?" She answers, "Hi it's (Y/N), I just found your note." Suddenly feeling happier to hear her voice. "(L/N)! Hi how are you? Did you see the cute uniform yet?" I look over to the package from earlier. "No, I haven't open mines yet." "You should, Ibuki thinks (L/N) would look cute in it."

This made my face to heat up. "Ibuki didn't like it and changed it a little." She then went on about the uniform, I walked over to the package and opened it. A very well designed uniform that says Hopes Peak on the vest. "Ibuki can't wait to see you in two weeks, She's too busy to visit." She said, "Oh, I don't want to keep you away from your work or anything. I'll be fine on my own." I gave her reassurance while putting on my uniform. I looked into mirror, Yeah I don't like some things either. I went to my closet and garbbed a few things to change it. Ibuki went topic to topic while she was on speaker phone. I laughed at ideas and comments she made. After a while my uniform was nicely done around my (B/S) and few items to bring it to life.

A puppy like yawn comes out of my phone. "Ibuki is sleepy, but doesn't want to hang up." Ibuki with a very sleepy voice says. "Y-you don't have too, We can stay on the call." I suggested. I got ready for bed then heard a sweet "Goodnight (Y/N)" from ibuki. Hearing my first name caused me to blush. "Goodnight Ibuki." I whisper back, The night was comforting hearing Ibuki's light snores which I find very cute. I couldn't sleep though, I stayed up listening to how peaceful she was as if she were next to me. I just let the stars light my room as I stare at the ceiling. Until I dirfted to dream world.

*894 words, There are millons of stars in the world but I cannot find one that out shines you're beauty

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*894 words, There are millons of stars in the world but I cannot find one that out shines you're beauty.* ~Xoxo Yandere Ibuki <3

♫All I Need Is You♫ YADERE IBUKI MIODA X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now