Tamaki x Sora - Part 3

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It was a week before the end of the school year, and 1A was busy filling their vacation time with summer jobs, placements and apprenticeships. Of course there was also a large part of the school that would be graduating this year, Tamaki included.

"Are you sure you're not gonna go off to work with all of the amazing Pro Heroes out there and forget all about your little high school girlfriend?" Sora pouted as she sat on the sofa in the 1A common room.

"What?" Tamaki looked down at her, pausing their movie, "Why would you even think that?" He asked, searching her face as she looked down at her hands nervously.

"Because, you're going to work with Hawks, and he's well known for being more than a little bit of a party boy." She said, twisting her sleeve in her hands, "What if you go out with him one night and your swarmed by his fan girls, who obviously love you too because you're amazing and gorgeous, and you realize that you could totally have someone better than me." She rambled and glanced up, seeing Tamaki gaping at her with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.

"Wow, there's a lot to unpack there." He said, looking overwhelmed, "First of all, you know that I hate parties, I'm not going to start going to them just because Hawks does. Second, thank you for calling me gorgeous," he winked at her, "And lastly, there is no one out there who could ever be more perfect for me than you." He said sternly and Sora felt butterflies in her stomach.

She lunged forward on the sofa, wrapping her arms around his neck and plopping herself down in his lap as she placed a quick kiss on his lips, smiling from ear to ear.

"You can't blame a girl for worrying, you're just too amazing." She pouted and kissed his lips again, "I can only hope to keep you all to myself for so much longer." She said and Tamaki pulled her back in for a kiss, but she broke away, speaking more, "Now that you're going to be a pro hero, I'll have to share you with the rest of the world." She groaned and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Tamaki sighed contently as he squeezed her, cradling her in his arms and holding her close to his chest.

"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry too much." He said, "I already refused Hawks' first invitation to a party tonight." He said and Sora sat up straight, looking him in the eye.

"What? Why?" She asked and Tamaki was confused by her confusion.

"Because I don't want to squeeze into a hot and noisy club full of sweaty and drunk people." He shrugged. "Just not a very welcoming welcome party if you ask me."

Sora gasped and smacked his shoulder, "Your new boss is throwing you a welcome party and you refused the invitation?" She asked in utter shock.

Tamaki rubbed his shoulder and looked at Sora guiltily. "We'll it's a party for all of his new hires, not just me." He mumbled.

Sora groaned as she stood up, getting out of his lap and crossing her arms as she looked down at him on the sofa, "Tamaki, you have to go." She scolded him.

"But, I already said I wasn't going to." He said sadly.

"You have to!" Sora reiterated, "Like it or not, the social aspect of your new job is important." She reminded him, "It gives you a chance to meet your new colleagues and get to know them better. It opens up opportunities with other benefactors and companies." She said and Tamaki groaned as he covered his face and dropped his head back. "Plus, if you're allowed to bring a date, you get to see me in a cute little dress." She added innocently as she chewed her lip.

Tamaki peeked out through his fingers and  sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright. You win. I'll call Hawks and let him know we're coming after all." He said and Sora did a few little victorious spins.

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