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There's so much blood on my hands.

I move my my fingers, the blood sliding down my hands and dripping on the floor.

"Let her go."

That voice...

I turn around, looking around me, but there's only darkness. Where am I?

"I'll return that bite, Red Princess." 

Yoongi's voice in the distance makes me fall to my knees and I feel a strong pain extending through my head.

"I'm not interested in you, I'm interested in ___."


Ah, it hurts so much.

I hear slow steps getting closer and holding my head, I manage to stand up, tumbling from one side to the other.

But within the darkness, I can see him.

"Dad?" I can't believe it, I run towards him. "Dad, my head hurts so much."

Standing in front of him, my father smiles and hugs me tightly, but instead of feeling good, it's the opposite, I feel absolutely disgusted.

I hear my father's husky laugh in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, and before I can react, a piercing pain strikes my stomach.

My father lets me go and I look down in horror to see a knife buried in my stomach.

My father raises his hand to hit me and I can only stare as his hand moves to my face.


I open my eyes in shock.

"No! There's so much blood!"

I sit up, looking at my stomach and hands again and again.

"___, it was just a dream, you're okay."

That voice... that calming tone.

"Look at me."

I look up to find those dark eyes that I'd began to love before everything turned to madness.


My cheeks are wet with tears.

He's sitting next to me on the bed, his hands on my shoulders and his face barely a few centimeters from mine.

Seeing him this close again... I forgot how beautiful he is.

I don't know if it's because of how scared and vulnerable I'm feeling, but I don't push him away.

I hug him. Jimin freezes at my touch, probably surprised, but he lets me hold him.

I bury my face in his neck, taking in his smell, the smell that made me feel so safe at first, and for some reason, still does.

For just a few seconds, I don't want to think, I don't want to go back to reality for a few seconds.

But I have to.

I come back to the cruel reality slowly, lowering my hands.

But when I do, my hand accidentally grazes the gun on his waist. My survival instinct activates, and carefully, I take the handle, but a cold hand takes my wrist, stopping me.

Jimin moves away from me, taking my hand off the gun.

We don't say a word, there isn't anything to say, nothing that wouldn't end up in more disappointment and pain.

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