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For two whole weeks Malcolm was out of the country.
He was in Rome at his trip.
I texted him everyday to ask how he was but he never answered.
When he texted me it was for Trey and Zala and when he called it was for Trey and Zala too.
I however got a thousand text messages from Caesar.
I replied to Caesar's messages at my own time because I was done fooling around.
I had to think straight at all times because the fate of my life was in my hands.
Zala and I argued more in these two weeks.
I carried the frustration from work and brought it home. I don't know where Zala's frustration was coming from but it had me angry most of the time.
Trey missed his dad for sure. Every night he knocked at my door asking for him.
I never got tired of explaining to him where Malcolm was.
I slept with Trey every night and made sure he didn't miss his dad too much.
In the midst of Malcolm's absence I called my grand parents in DC.
I hadn't talked to them in years and I missed them very much.
I told my grandmother about my triangle of misery and she insisted I come go to DC until the baby was born.
The stress wasn't good for my health so I agreed.
I asked for a leave at work and it was granted to me.
My grand parents were also reliable enough to have found a temporal school for Zala to transfer to.
I was going to be in DC for a long time.
I packed Zala and I's bags, ready to leave as soon as Malcolm got home.
Malcolm was arriving the next morning.

"So its over? "Zala asked me asked as I tucked her in for bed.

"No..... Its a break. "I answered her.

"So it is over. "Zala told me again.

"Look baby..... I would never lie to you okay. Its a break and not a break up..... During a break two people are still together.... They're just apart to think for a while. "I explained to Zala.

"What do you need to think about? "Zala asked me.

"A lot of things that I cannot tell you because they're adult issues. "I told Zala.

It was clear that she was sad about this but I needed this so that I could move forward.
Zala didn't ask anymore questions so I say good night and left. 
Trey was already in my bed so I gave him a kiss and slept too.

The moment Malcolm got into the house, Zala and I had our bags ready to leave.
After a whole hour, we finally got into the car.
Trey had a really hard time saying goodbye. I'm glad I had us ready two hours earlier. We would have been late for our flight for sure.
When Malcolm left Trey was sad but he didn't cry like he did when I left.
My heart dropped seeing him cry so much. I wanted to take him but he had therapy sessions and school too.
I had no idea just how much Trey was attached to me.
I didn't tell Malcolm nor Caesar where I was going because I didn't want them following me.
Before we left Malibu, I bought a new phone and made sure I had a new number.
During the whole flight Zala was sad. I know she loves Malcolm and Trey but I had to do this for me.
When we arrived and drove the streets of DC, I told Zala all about her grandparents which made her excited to see them.


"What if they don't like me. "Zala asked as we walked to my grandparents door.

"They'll love you sweetie, why wouldn't they?. "I assured Zala before I rang the bell.

When my grandmother opened the door she smiled at Zala before she smiled at me.
Soon my grandfather was at the door too and both of them welcomed us with hugs and kisses.

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