Always a silver lining.

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I'm a regular sixteen year old, I think. I was born to be a social figure but motherfuckers don't allow the girl to be herself,  instead I come off as shy and anti social.
Every school day I walk down that hallway with the usual stare.
I honestly wish the school would allow me to print a picture of me to stick on every locker so that people could tire their eyes on that.

"Hey you, "A voice all recognizable to my ears said, "sup".

I closed my locker and looked up to a 6'2 figure of Caesar Ramìrez. He was the only friend I ever had at my school. Hearing his name alone you'd thing his some Spanish business man, but Caesar was brown skinned and looked nothing close to one from Spain. He looked more African American than I did actually.

"Hi". I responded with a smile that escaped my mouth.

"I was tryna text you last night, what happened? "

Me and my had it before seven the previous night. And like the crazy person she is, she took all my gadgets as a punishment.

"Oh did you, sorry. My phone was dead last night and I only found my charger this morning. " I proceeded to lie. I could have just told him that my mum and I had an argument but he'd probably ask why and God knows I'm not ready to explain just yet.

"Walk you to class? " he asked.

"Yah, let's go. " I replied, following his lead.

He took it upon himself to walk me to class everyday, people looked less. Or rather I was less insecure when I was around him, so I took no notice of the glances.

Sounds like ground for a relationship but no, I was forever going to roll solo. I liked Caesar, but as a friend. And These other guys all wanted the same thing 'to fuck'... Even Caesar showed to be on that idea when it came to dating. I was never going to strip myself off to shame..... Not again.
I had Vitiligo patches on my forehead, my arms and some of my fingers, my chest and my thighs....


'Seven minutes of heaven'... A game played so often among sexually active crowds of boys and girls. I knew not to be a part but "my best friend" Kelly knew to take me anyway I'd be humiliated.

"Come on, go on in there. " A boy said to me and Benji after spinning the large bottle.

Benjamin Kross was the hottest boy in sixth grade and I was one of the many girls that liked him.

"Before I kiss you.... I should see you boobs first, to you know. Get me into it. "Benji ordered.

"I don't have boobs yet. " I confessed, because well I didn't. I had a chest flatter that most boys in my class.

"I'm not blind girl, just do it. " he continued to insist.

Before I knew it Benjamin Kross 'Benji' had my T-shirt in his hands, holding it back from me. Before I could get the kiss I thought was coming, boys filled the room scanning my bare chest to their amusement.

"Gross she has it on her chest too. " I heard a loud boy say from among them. That comment resulted into a whole roar if comments that I wish I couldn't remember but simply can't forget.

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