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Juvenile Center

It was only six in morning.

don't understand why we had to get up so early but the guards were banging on the cells like crazy.
We all woke up to a joint freezing shower.
When I stood under the running water, facing the wall, I cried.
I cried hard.
I could feel every other girl in the large shower room staring at me.
Most of them were loud enough in their curiosity, making me hear each and every word they said.
When the showers were done an incident with the towels occurred.
Someone must have grabbed mine. Each girl had a number. My number was 277. The towels had numbers but they were barely visible.
I stood there in the open...... Naked and cold.
I could have grabbed someone else's towel but I knew what that would cause.
I hated this place.
I hated myself.
I hated myself because I drew so much attention without even saying a word.

"Who grabbed her towel? "One of the lady guards asked the few girls that were still in the room.

No one said anything but just giggled.
It was a crowd joke, I thought to myself.

"Here you go. "The guard told me when she handed me a new towel.

This towel was purple. All the other girls had orange towels.
At least now nobody was going to take the towel away from me without me knowing.

When I woke up at seven in the morning, I was laying in my bed naked.
I was with Caesar too which was breathe taking.
I don't mean the breathe taking that's positive and exciting.
This breathe taking was choking and suffocating.
What was I thinking?
Was I even thinking? That's the better question.
I got up hurriedly, took a shower down stairs and went for a long drive to think.
When I was driving I thought of Zala.
I hope my baby is okay.


"Out!.... Now! "A guard yelled at me from the passage way.

We had to go for ball games and exercise.

"I don't feel like it. "I answered barely audible.

My response led to the guard storming into my cell in anger.
She grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me out.

Basketball court

This was only the second day.
I got beat up..... Twice.....
Insulted multiple times.....
Walked over.....
I was everyone's anger relief.

"Hey. "The guard from the shower room greeted me.

I wasn't in the mood for anything at all so I didn't answer.

"You can trust me. "She assured me and sat next to me.

I still didn't say anything, I just looked at her.

"Have these. They're pain killers. "She told me and handed me a small plastic of pills.

I took then and thanked her.
I guess she heard about my complaint.
Last night I had a really bad migraine.

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