Stuck on You.

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"Is that enough? "I asked Zala after I served her her plate for dinner.

She agreed and took the plate to the table. I fixed myself some food on a plate too and left for the table.
After Zala said grace, the door bell went off.
I'm saying went off because whoever the hell was outside had no patience. They clicked on the bell a thousand times and continuously.

"I'll get it. "I told Zala. This girl was always trying to attend to the door.

"Hey. "Caesar greeted me with joy when I opened the door.

"Why are you here? And who rings the door bell like that? "I asked him.

My face was fixed and bitchy. I wasn't trying to play games with this fool.
I was pregnant too. All three tests came out positive.
I know I said I wouldn't mind but I lied, I was furious.
I didn't want to have a baby. Not now at least.


She was mad. Boiling.
I was here to apologize because after I succeeded with getting her fired, I didn't think I wanted to ruin her life anymore.

"You really won't let me in? "I asked and walked in anyway.

"Hey little girl. "I greeted Genesis' kid with a smile.

She didn't respond. Her face was fixed and she looked irritated as well. I guess she didn't forget about that screwed dinner. Or maybe these too had a bad night.

"Okay. I see you two are on the same page. "I said mockingly and laughed to myself because I found my statement funny.

"Get out of my house Caesar. Please. "Genesis asked me kindly.

She dropped the bitch face for a while and it was then that I noticed her.
She had a white and black silk robe on and she looked hotter than ever.
Her breasts looked to have grown from what I remember at the dinner. Maybe its because this time the were let free, no dress and she probably didn't have a bra over them. It was clear she didn't have anything on under there because I could see every body contour of hers.
goddamn she looked sexy.

"Sorry about that goofy shit I just did. I don't know how to talk to you when you look like that. "I told her.

She didn't answer so I threw my second card on the table.

"I'm so sorry. For the wrecked dinner and work too. "I apologized sincerely.


I don't know what Caesar is on. What type of drugs his using.
As sincere as that apology sounded I wasn't forgiving him.

"I know I messed up. I'm sorry. "He apologized again. "I'm so sorry. "He told Zala.

I was still on my stance for him to leave. Zala didn't speak a word either. She wasn't buying this.

"Look when Malcolm showed me his girlfriend. You. I snapped. I was jealous like mad jealous and I thought why not crush it so that you two break up and we get married. "Caesar confessed.

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