Aftercare || Chapter 18

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You sit with Joey in the bathroom, waiting for Susie and Julie to get back, Jake, Elodie and Yui agreed to take them out for more medical supplies.

The urge to vomit has surpassed by now and now you are just sweaty and dizzy, rubbing your stomach.

"Feeling any better now..?" Joey asks, his hand gently parting your hair into small strains.

"I'm just... Dizzy now.." You stumble your words, Joey places your head against his shoulder and kisses your head.

"Just... I'd never really imagined... Having a baby..." You softly say.

"The choice is yours Y/n... If you don't want to keep it we can-"

"N-no! I..." You lift your head off of Joey's shoulder and look at him meaning to say more. Having a child of your own has never crossed your mind but you don't want to kill it.

You pause, Joey places his hand against your cheek.

"Y/n... Do you want start a family with me..?" He asks, your face goes flushed from the mixture of dizziness and the thought of Joey being a father of your children... However, the thought is nice.

You smile and nod, a rather shocked expression covers is face before he let's out a pleasant sigh and rests his forehead against yours.

The moment is interrupted by Julie and Susie knocking against the door, Joey gets up and opens the door, letting out a sigh of relief as he hand a small box with pink stripes and women holding her pregnant stomach.

"Oh my god thank you girls so much." He pulls Susie and Julie into a hug, Susie standing on her toes and hugging him back.

They shooe him off of them and ask me to take the test.

Joey hands you the box, placing a kiss against your head. "Just tell when your done.. Okay? You nervously nod as he leaves the bathroom.

After a few moments, Joey comes back in, seeing a small glimpse of Susies pink hair before the door shuts.


"I... Haven't looked at it yet, I was waiting for you kinda." You nervously laugh as he sits beside you, the test flipped over so you can't see if its positive or not.

"Hey, whatever it says, I'm going to stay by your side okay," He says, smiling and moves a tuff of hair away from your eyes.

"I know." You smile, leaning up and kissing his lips, placing a hand against his cheek as he lightly grips your wrist.

You both pull away, and take a deep breath.

"Ready?" He asks, you nervously nod taking another deep breath.

"1...2....3..." You both count and flip the test over.

Two pink lines are shown. Positive.

"H-holy shit...Holy shit... I-I'm pregnant... I'm fucking pregnant!" You say happily as a tear streams down your cheek, Joey looks at the test and smiles. He tosses the test down and stands up, yanking you off the ground and hugging you tightly.

"We're gonna be parents!" He says, clearly extremely happy about this, he looks at you and smashes his lips into yours, you happily groan into the kiss.

Frantic knocking is heard from the door, Joey places you down a wipes his eyes and swings open the door, Susie and Julie waiting for an answer.

"I'm pregnant!" You yell, the two girls squeal in excitement, Julie tightly hugging you and leaning back so your lifted off the ground.

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