Chapter 1 | Comfortable

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A sharp pain buzzes through your entire body, shaking and feeling a cold sensation on your back.

You grumble and open your eyes, slowly lifting yourself up. As you do so, you feel what feels like a million eyes gazing apon you, and your suspicions are correct.

Lifting your head up you notice maybe 10 people standing around you with weapons and blood spattered all over their faces and clothes.

You scream and push yourself back against of what feels like another person, yet... They're floating?

"H...Hey...It's.." The floating figure lets out a raspy cough and wheezes. "O..Okay.." They appear to be have a pillow case over their face and a old early 1800s nurse outfit, floating and wheezing.

"Who... Who the fuck are you people!?" You quickly stand up, making sure no one comes near you, however, you feel less confidence as a tall, wide figure man, with metal rods piercing his skin and what appears to be a mask, stares at you and breathes heavily.

"Da, we mean no harm, unless you have been placed on opposite side." A thick Russian accent speaks to you, snapping around, a tall women towers overs, her rabbit mask gives you comfort.

"Opposite side!? Where the hell I'm I!?" You panic more as you back further away from the very intimidating statues. Once again, you bump into someone, or... Someone's? A group of 4 teens stare at you.

"Okay g-guys, she obviously a bit confused, we should explain." One of the 4 teens speaks, she appears to be the shortest of the bunch, having long pink hair coming out of the side of her mask.

"Susie's right, she looks extremely confused, and for a good reason... What's your name kid?" Another one of the teens speaks, the one in the middle, not as tall as the boy beside him, but appears to be the leader of this group of 4.

"... y/n... My names y/n." You say, still feeling very uncomfortable about this situation.

"Well, y/n, welcome to the Entities Realm, and from the blood on your clothes, I'd reckon you're in the correct place." Another think accident speaks, very country. He takes a step forward as he makes a cracking sound with his jaw, twisting in a more comfortable position.

You glanced down at yourself, you are indeed covered in blood... And then it all hits you.

"Oh my God... I killed them... I killed them all.." you glanced down at your hands, shaking and trembling at the sight of warm blood all over you.

"Who did you kill?" Another man speaks, you shiver at first at the sight of him, he is dressed like a clown that is incredibly overweight.

"... My family... My sister's, my brother's... Everyone." You crack a sadistic smile, letting out a low chuckle.

"Ooh yeah, she's in the right place." The other female teen; the one beside presumably Susie, says confidently.

Another teen appears, wearing all black with odd pieces of fabric dancing around him, but of course the most notable thing is his ghost mask. "What's with them always bring teens like us, like yeah we kill, but why so ma-"

"Are the fucking Ghost Face?" He quickly gets cut off a snap around and speak to him, behind him you also notice the famous, Shape; Michael Myers, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy but yet excited.

"How... How are you guys here? Your from movies!?" It quickly hits you, unless these guys are a bunch of well executed cosplayers, you are nothing but dumb founded.

"Movies? Me? That's Rich, I'm Danny, I was also taken by the entity-" He gets cut off once more.

"T-thats fucking Pyramid Head!" You step forward to the only people here you recognize. "You're from video game and a movie! What the hell is this!?"

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