Chapter 15 || Alert

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You waken to the sound of trees rustling in the wind you turn over expecting to feel Joey beside you but you feel nothing but sheets, yet they are still warm.

You sit up and see him, standing in front of a mirror with his shirt off, caressing the huge scar across his chest.

You creep out of the bed and walk behind him, hugging him from behind. He jolts.

"Oh hey, did I wake you?" Joey says, turning his head, you shake your head.

"What's wrong?" You ask, Joey pauses for a moment. His finger traces the scar across his chest.

"When I found out other killers where appearing... I was scared." Joey says, he turns to face you. You place your hand against his chest as you look up to him.

"Scared? But why?" You ask, an apprehensive expression came across his face, he slumps his shoulders and gently cups your face.

"What if I found you and didn't remember me.." Joey said, he pressed his forehead against yours and lightly inhaled and exhaled.

"I was so paranoid for years that that day would come and you would attack me, attempt to kill me and I was already ready for it. If that day came, I would've just let you kill me."

Joey's breath brushes against your face, shakey as his hand rubs your cheeks.

"I love you too much too be in a world with out you.." Joey say, a tear streaming down his face.

You grip his wrist as he lifts he head up to look at you, rubbing his wrists with your thumb.

"That's makes two of us then." You say, he sniffles as you place a kiss against his cheek.

He smiles, letting his hands down from your face as his fingers intertwine with yours.

You begin to walk backwards with him following you in fount of you, you sit against the bed, letting go of his hands.

He places a knee in between your thighs and his hands behind you, slowly leaning down making your back hit the bed, the bed creaks as he puts another knee up onto the bed.

He gently caresses your face, his thumb rubbing the bottom of you lip. He slowly slides to fingers underneath your chin, beginning to raise you head as your hands snake around his shoulders.

"Joey..." You softly say as his lips brush against yours.

"Y/n.." His voice is shaky as he moves his legs around, assuming to make himself more comfortable.


A sudden voice comes from the thick sheet, Joey and you are a bit startled but Joey seems to be agitated by the interruption.

You laugh as he tells you to shush, you quickly lay back down to where you originally where.

He walks over to the sheet, you can hear him move it aside.

"Nea..?" Joey says, you heart drops.

"Oh I didn't think you where actually awake.." Nea says, nervously laughing in the process.

"It's 2 AM Nea, what is it?" Joey sternly says, Nea clears her throat.

"Is... She awake?" Nea says, you can feel Joey look over to you.

"No." He says, clearly lying, you can hear this conversation clear as day.

"Oh okay." Nea says, her tone suddenly changing to a more happier tone, you grit your teeth.

"Joey, I just want to apologize for what I did to Y/n, it was-"

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Joey interrupts Nea.

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