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it's been a week since the incident took place and me and kasos opted on having a small ceremony for our wedding. that was obviously rescheduled.

he was now extremely possessive and kept a tight leash on my where abouts. i wanted to be annoyed but after the scare..... i would do the exact same thing. plus having him around me kept me calm.

We would be leaving in two days for our honey moon. which might night last that long since i really wanted to get back here and lock down some more rules and things. it bothers me how easily my parents where about to get into lunar on both occasions. 

 who know's what else is lurking around trying to get in and ruin all lunar's built for itself.

I was sitting in kasos's office while he went over some things and signed some papers. Jackson was out on a date. I was very happy to hear he found someone. I wanted to go gossip with jackson's mom but kasos wouldn't let me leave his office.

Me: Sos.... can i please step out for a minute.... i just wanna talk to momma j

He shook his head.

Kasos: i have a few more documents to sign then we can go.

Me: i can go by myself it'll be quick

Kasos: I said no.

he said firmly staring at me. i rubbed my legs together. my thigh was now practically healed but even after our marriage he refuse to touch me due to my injuries so we haven't quite..... consummated the marriage... if you know what i mean.

and it didn't help that every time he would be stern towards me It'd turn me on. I was about to whine where there was a knock at his door and Lucas walked in

Kasos: Wassup bro

Lucas: nothing much... did a couple rounds and filed some paper work the usual. Is jackson back ye- OH hey moonie.. i didn't see you in your office.

i pointed to kasos and he nodded understanding.

Lucas: ooohhh i see.

Kasos: Nah i don't think jackson's back yet. I have a few more papers to sign then we were going to head over to the dinning hall.... is bam done for the day???

Lucas: uhh yea i think he's helping jackson's mom put some things in storage

i jumped up

Me: Speaking of jackson's mother....

Kasos: noooo

he said not looking up from his papers.

lucas rasied a brow at us

Me: lucas.... you know your my favorite right???

he looked at me confused.

Lucas: oka..... 

Me: I've always thought you were the strongest...

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