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i stood shocked as i watched moonbae leave the dinning room. 


he yelled standing up from the table. bambam was a very sensitive and emotional guy, he hid that emotion under his playful jokes and acts but i new that i would never in my life had to question his loyalty to me or the pack because of that very trait. he was attached to each and every one of us and would do whatever he could to help us. 

i could tell he was filled with rage. jackson grabbed him forcing him to calm down talking calmly to him.

Lucas: Kasos what should we do??

Me: in form the servants of a security advancement to the outskirts of the province. i know that they only got in due to their notoriety of being elders by the servants but now is a good time to let every worker in this mansion know that they are not welcomed here ever again.

he nodded walking out. 

i faced everyone

Me: please eat.... you'll all need to be energized for tonights festival. please change into your attire afterwords.

they nodded.

i bowed to sam

Me: I'm sorry you had to witness such a shameful incident. Please don't let it change your opinion on the Lunar clan and all Moonbae has done for it.

i don't really like sam but i had to put my feelings aside right now. that and I'm quite a fan of how he stood up for Moonbae even when it wasn't his fight 

Sam: No worries i completely understand, I must say it's nice seeing you all in this light for a change. I knew the capital guards but not this... i never knew you guys were of the Lunar pack. royalty at that.

i gave him a small smile.

Me: yes, please it eat. today is still to be a day full of joy. Luck too is on your side, after the courage you showed I'm happy to say that Monsar can confidently call lunar it's Ally. We can talk trade routes and business another time

he smiled shaking my hand

i rushed out the dinning room towards Moonbae's only to find it empty.

looking around i walked out onto her balcony to see her sprinting  along the grass bays of the mansion. 

I climbed down the other side of the balcony hoping onto the ground, she stopped for a moment and her ears perked as she looked my way. i walked towards her but she growled at me.

Me: Moonie...... I know you're upset but. 

i went to touch her head but she dogged me backing away.

Me: I'm only trying to help...

she huffed walking past me. 

i turned around watching as she walked father.

i got an idea .

Me: fine then..... keep walking but if you do i'm only gonna take that as a sign of a challenge... do you really wanna challenge me moonbae

she stopped and tilted her head in my direction some.

i stretched some to loosen my limbs.

Me: I mean i only wanted to talk but who am i as an alpha to turn down a challenge.. especially if its from the one and only moonbae.

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