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I stood there shaking.....

It was like my mind was playing a hex on me.... the last thing i remember doing was eating in the kitchen with bam, then we parted ways so he could meet back up with the guys and so i could go back to the elders. 

but on my way back a servant stopped me saying there was a package delivered to my office something about a wedding gift.

i didn't think much of it and i went but when i walked in closing the door behind me there she stood... my mother. with a knife in her hand i was shocked

Mother: hello my darling daughter. I wish i was here on better terms but... it seems you decided against me and your father's marriage offer.

i scrunched my face up at her

Me: and who the hell let you in here!?

she smirked pointing a large box on the side of my desk that had been wrapping nicely... it was now open some of the paper torn and was empty. Obvious she was in the box.

Me: im only gonna say this nicely once... you need to leave. I'm getting married and i don't have time for this.. for you. all of the games you and father love playing stops today... stops right now.

she chuckled swaying her hips towards me as she raised her knife a bit.

Mother: oh little one... i'm afraid thats not how this goes..... as far as im concerned your not the one who gets to call the shots.

i scuffed

Mother: Now... i'll only say this once. you either come with me quickly or you die.

she shrugged

Mother: either way.... you coming with me.

Me: over my dead body

Mother: Precisely.

she lunged at me and we began fighting... after a rough fight i slammed her to the ground  and managed to run out of my office... i couldn't go far. i knew she'd get up and come after me. 

there was barely anyone on this side of the mansion. Most of the staff and everyone were on the other end preparing for the ceremony. I didn't have my phone to call anyone. the best i could do was hide it out. Until someone came looking for me.

Currently i was in a storage closet. my breathing was steady but the closet itself was kind of a tight space. I had a cut on my thigh. She slashed me pretty good. Taking the tie to my silk robe off i tied it tightly around my thigh. it was thick enough to cover the cut. 

hopefully if i tied it tight enough i'd stop the bleeding.  

i huffed running my hands thru my hair. holding my breath when i heard feet against the floor. Excitement rose thru me and i was about to open the door when i remember it could be her. backing away from the door i heard her voice.

Mother: She's here somewhere close by... find her. I want her alive. if all else fails. kill her. Don't make it too brutal, we need her body in tact.

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