Chapter One

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Chapter One as promised(:


After science was over, I went to lunch. Kira and I took the table where we usually sit at. Adeline and Nicole were already there. Nobody at the table had lunch. The food was too disgusting to ingest.

“So,” Nicole started, twirling her platinum blonde hair around her finger. “Alex says we’re going to the football game, then go out to a movie.”

“That’s nice,” I said to the table. I was really happy for Nicole, but I really didn’t want to think about relationships.

Nicole sensed the sadness in my voice. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s just pissed that Lawson’s gay,” Kira said. 

Nicole nodded. “I know how you feel. All gay guys are hot.”

“He’s not gay!” I shouted a little loudly. People from other tables turned their heads to me. Seeing that it was me, they went back to their lunches, shaking their heads.

“You’re in denial,” Nicole said. She patted my hand reassuringly. “But you’ll get over it.” She looked around the cafeteria. “Why don’t you turn your attention to Oliver? He’s pretty cute and he isn’t gay.”

I looked over my shoulder to the table where Oliver sat. He was seating next to Lawson and talking animatedly about something, probably the latest Jersey Shore episode. Oliver wasn’t that bad. He was the hottest guy, next to Lawson of course. The two of them were cousins. I hmmed, lost in thought.

“He is cute….” I started. “But I’m not his type.”

I thought I saw Adeline smile a bit, but I ignored it. Nicole looked over to Adeline. I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Adeline, sensing that everyone’s attention was on her, she said “What?”

Nicole shook her head. “Nothing. But Airlia, I think you should drive your attention away from Lawson. It’s been like five years!”

“Four,” I interjected.

“Whatever! The point is…” she left it at that. Nicole bit her lip, uncertain to what to say. I averted my gaze to the table. I knew what she was thinking. Thankfully, Kira changed the subject. 

“So when’s the next volleyball game?”

“Mmh… Thursday. The twenty-fourth.”

“Awesome. I haven’t been since I got kicked off the team.”

Kira got kicked off the volleyball team because she was disrespecting Coach Williams. Kira has that bad-ass feel around her: she didn’t care what everyone thought of her, and constantly got in trouble. But when you see Kira, you think she’s this sweet, innocent girl. Her big blue eyes and curly golden blonde fools people that she’s such a nice girl. People never suspects she’s the one who spray painted “Stupid Snobby Rich Kids!!!” all over our rival school, Bridgeton. 

Nicole is a stereotypical blonde, I’m afraid to say. She’s not the brightest, and she’s very naïve. But we all love her still. She’s always bubbly and can always make you smile.

Last but not least is Adeline. Adeline is well… Adeline. She can be bitchy. She’s like a meaner, dark haired version of Kira. Adeline hasn’t done stuff like Kira has, but she’s a bully. Besides the fact that she’s an amazing ballerina, she doesn’t partake in ‘organized sports.’ Out of the four of us, Kira is the only on that played.

I, as a sport, ice-skate. I’ve been doing it ever since I was six years old. I first started out with ballet, but then I tried ice-skating one time with Adeline when we were nine, and ever since that I loved it. 

You Pretend You're Gay... Why?(On Hold-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now