31- Task Three

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After all this time of waiting and worrying, the third Triwizard task was upon us. The task occurred directly after lunch, giving us hardly any time to mentally or physically prepare ourselves.

Despite the smooth sailing of the first two tasks, something didn't seem right for this last one. It wasn't my normal anxiousness — it was much worse. This odd feeling lingered through me during lunch, not going unnoticed by Draco.

"Y/n, stop," he said.

"I'm not doing anything, Draco," I replied.

"You're freaking out. Your leg is bouncing and you won't eat a bite of your food."

"Okay, maybe I'm slightly scared."

"Slightly is an understatement," he mumbled, resting his hand on my thigh to prevent my leg from nervously jouncing about. "Just breathe."

I obeyed his request and began inhaling deeply while exhaling the same way. He sent me a small smile and a reassuring nod, making my lips curl upwards slightly.

My full plate emptied dramatically as minutes passed. After eating a considerable amount and calming down, the task approached, bringing me back to my anxious state of mind.

Every student in ever house and year congregated in the hallways to scurry outdoors where a giant maze was previously grown and prepared for this very moment.

Despite my overbearing nervousness, I took a seat within the red-filled crowd where the students cheered for Harry Potter. Draco sat on my left, visibly annoyed at our seating arrangements, although not verbally saying so out of respect for me.

Finn exited Hogwarts and eyed the bleachers, placing them on me. He then took two steps at a time and reached my right side quickly, sneaking a glare at Draco before sitting down, his yellow jumper standing out in the crimson horde.

"Excited?" he queried, peering at me before looking out onto the grounds, anticipating the arrival of the champions.

"Not quite," I answered.

"And why is that, y/n?"

"Anything could happen in there. Are you not worried at all? Cedric is your best friend and he's going to walk into a maze with all sorts of creatures and you're not at all terrified?"

"They're going to be fine, lighten up."

For once, Draco nodded in agreement. I huffed at the two boys and went back to staring in front of me, listening to an instrumental Hogwarts march-like song began roaring from the brass instruments below.

Amos Diggory, followed by Cedric, jogged out onto the grounds in front of the crowd, causing those dressed in yellow attire to go mad. Shouts of joy echoed through the stands and serotonin rushed through the fans as we awaited the final task.

Next came Fluer Delacore. Several cheers erupted from the blue majority of the stands and even dances broke out.

All of Victor Krum's fans were dressed in formal black attire, cheering his name loudly and holding up inspirational signs.

Finally, alongside Dumbledore was Harry. I raised my hands in the air and shouted happily while Draco uncomfortably clapped.

Awkwardly waddling in, Harry took a stance near one of the four maze entrances and listened for further instructions.

The band continued playing despite Dumbledores first announcement. I laughed slightly as the headmaster grew quickly annoyed.

"SILENCE," he bellowed once more.

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