29- Daddy Issues

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Sitting with the Slytherins at lunch was fascinating. Blaise and Draco were still ignoring one another despite Pansy and my pestering.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" I whispered to Draco, annoyed.

"I swear to Merlin, y/n, ask again. I dare you."

"What will you do?"

"You'll find out," he replied sternly.

"Do I want to find out?"

He gave me his signature don't-test-me face and I sighed, turning back to speak with Pansy. She went on to explain how excited she was for the summer. Her plans were to completely reinvent herself and have more fun rather than sitting around.

"I'd like to get out more too. If you go anywhere, let me know."

She nodded and we both talked about all the places we'd like to visit in our lifetime. While Pansy was listing an assortment of cities, Dumbledore interrupted.

"I am pleased to inform you all that exams have been canceled. The Triwizard Tournament has created a stressful environment and we would not like to add to it."

Cheers erupted throughout the great hall but Blaise and I groaned.

"Exams just got cancelled," Draco said. "Why are you moaning about it?"

"We've spent so many hours studying already. I wish he would've announced it sooner," I replied, to which earned me an agreement nod from Blaise.

"Now you have lots of free time. Maybe we can do this more often."

Draco leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. He attempted to stay longer, however, I pushed him away.

I didn't like public affection. I wasn't embarrassed of Malfoy. He was just very aggressive sometimes — and nobody else needed to be notified of that.

"One more?" he asked and I shook my head, resulting in a pout from him. "Don't bother coming to my dorm tonight."

He said it as a joke, but I wanted to play along. "Okay, I won't. Maybe I'll stay with Harry and Ron. Or even the twins. I bet they're more fun anyway."

He shot me the fiercest glare I've ever seen and I began laughing at his dramatic behavior.

"Stay there and see how much I care."

"Fine, I will."

He bit the inside of his cheek and I slightly smiled. He was jealous, but he also cared. I always appreciated that Draco cared, but sometimes I wish he didn't get so violent and angry when he was jealous. I was never worried that he was going to hurt me, of course. Although, sometimes I got a little nervous that he would hurt who he was jealous of.

As dinner came to an end, I was about to run up to the trio to further provoke Draco, but they ran off — possibly to prepare for the third task.

My next resort was the Weasley twins, who weren't too far ahead of me. I waved to Draco while he silently — and quite angrily — watched me approach the boys.

"Hey," I greeted.

They greeted me back and I began explaining that I needed somewhere to crash for the night. Pansy and Blaise in my dorm while Draco studied all night was one excuse. My second excuse what that the trio stayed up too late to prepare for the task.

Fred and George were skeptical at first, but they finally gave in — with the warning that Lee snores loudly.

"Thank you so much," I said, giving both of the boys a quick hug before waving and walking back with my Slytherin friends once more.

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