28- The Pensieve

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"What's wrong?" I asked Hermione, glancing at her quizzical expression from across the table.

"I haven't read the Daily Prophet in quite some time, but there's an interesting article here," she explained, flipping her newspaper over to give me a clear reading. "Apparently you and Harry are together. Rita Skeeter snapped a picture of you two hugging before the first Triwizard task. I would've expected immense hate mail, considering your relationship with Draco is not particularly reserved. However, the people seem to enjoy the pair of you together."

"I'm glad there's no hate mail. Though it is quite upsetting that people aren't interested in Draco and I together."

"Don't worry about it," Ron chipped in. "Nobody is allowed to be happy these days."

Harry nodded eagerly and I chuckled, savvying precisely that he was thinking back to every time the Daily Prophet has misled society into believing he was consistently in the wrong — which couldn't have made him very happy.

I nodded shortly and continued eating my breakfast, brainstorming an interesting topic to discuss. It hit me then, I haven't heard about their love lives in quite some time. Why not just ask?

"Hey, Hermione," I smoothly began. "Have you and Victor spoke a lot?"

She sighed, deeming to be a touchy subject. "Honestly, we haven't. He's taken me on a few dates but he mostly enjoys sitting and watching me. It's odd. I've been trying to subtly hint that I'm not interested. He's completely oblivious to everything around him so it hasn't officially ended."

I nodded solemnly. The poor girl had no relationship experience — and to be stuck with a man who was perceived as a creepy bloke —it plainly wasn't a good situation.

"I have done a lot of thinking though. Without Victor, I have had loads of time to work on knitting clothes and creating mass posters for S.P.E.W. I've had lots of progress since the beginning of the year. Victor was lovely while it lasted, but I've already moved on."

To rid Hermione's mind of the sensitive subject, I turned to ask Harry how his love life was playing out. Did he even have one?

"I don't have many options," answered Harry quickly and embarrassingly. "Cho seems like a nice girl, though it seems like she's been busy with Cedric."

I peeked over towards the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw table, recognizing Finn's deep brown head of hair instantly, followed by Cedrics familiar eyes directly next to him. They were smiling and giggling like children.

Perched upon the bench at the Ravenclaw table, sat Cho Chang mingling lightly with her friend group. Her and Cedric didn't seem to be terribly close, which meant Harry might have a chance with her after all.

"I'm not so sure about that, Harry."

He furrowed his eyebrows and scoped the room hesitantly. Cho and his eyes locked and she sent a slick smile his way. He mimicked her soft smile with his own, sharing a cute moment for all of us to witness.

He blushed slightly and turned back to face the three of us as we moved on to question Ron.

"Ron, how's your love life?" I questioned.

"Terrible," he mumbled. "How am I supposed to find a girl who likes gingers and doesn't judge me for eating two full course meals in one sitting?"

"You found me pretty easily last year, didn't you? You'll find someone, Ron. Maybe she's right in front of you but you're just not looking thoroughly enough."

I had hoped he would at least somewhat understand what I was implying. Yet, the puzzled expression on his face said otherwise. I could undoubtedly see the tension between Ron and Hermione, but they were both too stubborn — and much too proud — to admit their underlying feelings for one another.

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